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4.6 stroke in a D9 Block?

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4.6 stroke in a D9 Block? Empty 4.6 stroke in a D9 Block?

Post  Tore May 29th 2011, 5:40 pm

Will a 4.6 stroke fit in the D9 Block? Are there any clearance issues? and will the pistons pull down to far out of the cylinders as what happens with a 4.5 stroke in a Dove Block?

Thanks Tore

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4.6 stroke in a D9 Block? Empty Re: 4.6 stroke in a D9 Block?

Post  rmcomprandy May 29th 2011, 5:45 pm

With the correct components a 4,60" stroke will fit into a D9 block without any clearance issues.
How short of a piston you are willing to use will determine how much sticks out of the bottom of the bore


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4.6 stroke in a D9 Block? Empty Re: 4.6 stroke in a D9 Block?

Post  Lem Evans May 29th 2011, 6:00 pm

The D9 block's cyl are approx. the same lenght as the A460's and we've done some 4.750" strokes with them.
I am not say to put a 4.750" stroke in a 2 bolt block........just that it will "fit".

Lem Evans

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4.6 stroke in a D9 Block? Empty Re: 4.6 stroke in a D9 Block?

Post  Tore May 29th 2011, 9:09 pm

Thanks guys


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4.6 stroke in a D9 Block? Empty Re: 4.6 stroke in a D9 Block?

Post  A70maverick May 30th 2011, 12:52 am

Hey, I have a 4.50 stroke in a DOVE block. And, my pistons stay in their bores! Very Happy What are you up to now?


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4.6 stroke in a D9 Block? Empty Re: 4.6 stroke in a D9 Block?

Post  Tore May 30th 2011, 11:33 am

Nothing just curious.

A70maverick wrote:Hey, I have a 4.50 stroke in a DOVE block. And, my pistons stay in their bores! Very Happy What are you up to now?

Posts : 865
Join date : 2009-08-19

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4.6 stroke in a D9 Block? Empty Re: 4.6 stroke in a D9 Block?

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