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Roots Blowers

Tennessee Bullitt
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Roots Blowers Empty Roots Blowers

Post  dfree383 November 6th 2011, 2:26 pm

Whats avaliable for a BBF and Boss 429? What makes a good kit? What do I need to know about buying a 8-71 style blower?


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Roots Blowers Empty Re: Roots Blowers

Post  darren November 6th 2011, 5:30 pm

Hi Dave,
have you tried The Blower Shop. they make a BBF kit.

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Roots Blowers Empty Re: Roots Blowers

Post  dfree383 November 6th 2011, 10:42 pm

Yea, been looking online, just though some guy's with experiance would be able to give some advice or possibly know whats hot and whats not. I've never realy messed with Blowers.

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Roots Blowers Empty Re: Roots Blowers

Post  res0rli9 November 7th 2011, 12:14 am

Call Don, he's your man, He makes the best & customer service, if you can't find what you wont he will make Cool


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Roots Blowers Empty Re: Roots Blowers

Post  dfree383 November 7th 2011, 1:25 am

Been looking around and it seems the following is a list of companies that offer Roots Style Blowers, not necessarily one's specificly for BBF's.


BDS Superchargers


The Blower Shop



Holley / Weiand

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Roots Blowers Empty Re: Roots Blowers

Post  Tennessee Bullitt November 7th 2011, 9:59 am

I talk to littlefield about a blower setup befor I decided on my new combo I am doing and I got a full 14-71 kit priced at $6500 there abouts. Not a bad deal compared to the stuff for the new mustang motors. From what I gathered is all the kits are universal and are built to your needs. I also found out that some companies have 5 different stages of how the blower is setup for you application. Different style of rotor prep and what it will be used for. I do know that Littlefild was definalty the best service and willing to work with me. Alot of racers back home in bristol TN used littlefeild blowers.
Tennessee Bullitt
Tennessee Bullitt

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Roots Blowers Empty 871 blower

Post  blown473 November 7th 2011, 10:21 pm

Don Hampton Of ALL the suppliers I have bought parts from, he is one of the very best! I bought my 871 kit there, he's also a Blue Thunder dealer, manifolds, heads etc, custom blower cams, name it. He has done so many of my friends engines including a boss 429, 392 hemi, 302 Ford, 460 Ford, on and on. His case design has more ribs too, stronger & dissipates heat better. His # 562-803-9484

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Roots Blowers Empty Re: Roots Blowers

Post  res0rli9 November 8th 2011, 12:40 am

blown473 wrote:Don Hampton Of ALL the suppliers I have bought parts from, he is one of the very best! I bought my 871 kit there, he's also a Blue Thunder dealer, manifolds, heads etc, custom blower cams, name it. He has done so many of my friends engines including a boss 429, 392 hemi, 302 Ford, 460 Ford, on and on. His case design has more ribs too, stronger & dissipates heat better. His # 562-803-9484

X1000, Just give him a call you wont regret it.


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Roots Blowers Empty Re: Roots Blowers

Post  Daytonatunnel November 9th 2011, 5:13 pm

Couldn't agree more with the masses, Donny will take GREAT car of you !!!! 4 years beating the crap outta his stuff, NO COMPLAINTS !!!

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Roots Blowers Empty boss 429 blower

Post  66prostreetfairlane November 15th 2011, 1:26 pm

I have a set of boss 9 heads with a Don Hampton 8-71 blower kit. His customer service was amazing and he was willing to answer any question that i could think of. Blown473 was the one that turned me to him and i can say im greatful. I have the kit with the teflon rotors. My father has built award wining show cars and he was very impressed with the detail and polish on the kit. The only heads up i can is the manifold is a BDS manifold as they are the only ones still making a boss 429 manifold short of having a sheet metal one made. That being said it does not have a water outlet so we had to have the heads drilled for a water outlet. The motor is currently being built down in KY with Oakley Motorsports and Charlie Evans is also in on it.

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Roots Blowers Empty Re: Roots Blowers

Post  Daytonatunnel November 16th 2011, 4:57 pm

66prostreetfairlane wrote:......The only heads up i can is the manifold is a BDS manifold as they are the only ones still making a boss 429 manifold short of having a sheet metal one made. That being said it does not have a water outlet so we had to have the heads drilled for a water outlet.......

My good friend has a blown 9. Donny Hampton cut his tunnel ram apart and made the intake. Just a heads up.....

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Roots Blowers Empty Hampton Blowers great service great guy

Post  66prostreetfairlane November 17th 2011, 1:09 am

Daytonatunnel wrote:
66prostreetfairlane wrote:......The only heads up i can is the manifold is a BDS manifold as they are the only ones still making a boss 429 manifold short of having a sheet metal one made. That being said it does not have a water outlet so we had to have the heads drilled for a water outlet.......

My good friend has a blown 9. Donny Hampton cut his tunnel ram apart and made the intake. Just a heads up.....

another reason to use Hampton i guess he could make anything work if you have the tunnel ram. I have seen a few boss 9's with the tunnel ram and unfort i can't run one or should i say it wouldn't be in my best interest, due to our state laws in WI with things sticking out the hood. We will already be pushing the limits with the shorter BDS intake i have. When i had looked into having a sheet metal one made i was being told around $2,000 and for a street car i couldn't justify it.

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Roots Blowers Empty Re: Roots Blowers

Post  dfree383 November 17th 2011, 7:43 am

any pics of the boss 9 set-up?

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Roots Blowers Empty Re: Roots Blowers

Post  66prostreetfairlane November 17th 2011, 8:08 am

dfree383 wrote:any pics of the boss 9 set-up?
Roots Blowers Blower012
Roots Blowers Blower013
Roots Blowers 0901112138
Roots Blowers Bossblower
Roots Blowers 0901112144a

And the A-460 block is with Charlie now being machined. I believe last time i heard Philip said that crank was in and the rods and pistons were on order.


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Roots Blowers Empty Re: Roots Blowers

Post  Daytonatunnel November 23rd 2011, 5:32 pm

Nice looking mill !!! Gunna be a tight fitting distributor Wink

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Roots Blowers Empty Re: Roots Blowers

Post  supervel45 December 2nd 2013, 10:13 pm

dfree383 wrote:Been looking around and it seems the following is a list of companies that offer Roots Style Blowers, not necessarily one's specificly for BBF's.


BDS Superchargers


The Blower Shop



Holley / Weiand
   I can  say this much, from personal experenice, If you want an economy show blower the Weiand will work. I checked with the other companies, Hampton, BDS are very nice, and offer alot of options. Looks like Hamton is on top from other satified customers here. I would also say the tech. support for the blower speciality companies will be better than Holley/Weiand.


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Roots Blowers Empty Re: Roots Blowers

Post  jasonf December 2nd 2013, 10:33 pm

Every time someone asks Hampton is always the top suggestion. The blower shop would be my next stop. A friend of mine uses their setup a lot and had good things to say about them. I have a sbf BDS system and the few times I have called them they don't seem to know anything about Fords and I have read similar things on other forums.

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