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Dual or single carb setup

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Dual or single carb setup Empty Dual or single carb setup

Post  HorsinAround December 7th 2012, 2:16 pm

I am planning my alcohol 521 build to see no more than 7000 rpm and shifting at a max of 6500, so would there be any benefit for me to run a tunnel/dual carb setup? Just curious as I have an opportunity to pick up a Wieand tunnel ram and 2 950's already set up for alcohol.

Posts : 1225
Join date : 2009-08-06
Location : North Central Indiana

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Dual or single carb setup Empty Dual carbs

Post  STHAZLET December 7th 2012, 4:34 pm

A lot depends on what Intake you had on and what carb you had on.On my drag car I went to tunnelram and dual toilets and picked up 3 tenths in quarter mile et.You make a lot more hp,So I would say If you want or Need more hp thats the way to go.Good luck steve

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Age : 72
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Dual or single carb setup Empty Re

Post  HorsinAround December 9th 2012, 6:59 pm

This is actually a new build, so I don't have an intake or carbs yet. Going to run alcohol for sure. Just didn't know if the tunnel ram would be of benefit at this RPM range.

Posts : 1225
Join date : 2009-08-06
Location : North Central Indiana

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Dual or single carb setup Empty Dual Carbs

Post  STHAZLET December 11th 2012, 3:58 pm

Might want to check what everyone else is doing in that class.If they are running a single or dual unit.Might blow the tires off at the hit of the throttle.I can tell you the Injection has way more throttle response.

Posts : 472
Join date : 2010-02-03
Age : 72
Location : Waterloo,Iowa


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Dual or single carb setup Empty Re: Dual or single carb setup

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