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3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide

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3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide Empty 3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide

Post  138 November 9th 2009, 10:58 pm

3500-4000 lbs 800hp (600n/a 200shot gas) BBF to much for a glide

building one myself any suggestions on componets... ie cores, cases, bellhousings, shafts etc.


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3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide Empty Re: 3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide

Post  BIGDOG466 November 20th 2009, 7:23 pm

I hope not, just built one got about 30 passes everything good so far. Mine is w/driver 3770lbs not 800hp about 640 but still put all good stuff in it + aftermarket case.

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3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide Empty Re: 3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide

Post  138 November 20th 2009, 8:39 pm

give me a low down on your set up (parts list) if you could


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3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide Empty Re: 3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide

Post  richter69 November 20th 2009, 8:45 pm

Good case, JW , Reid etc, 1.80 st cut with the good output shaft, ringless input, rear pump half with a pinned and bolted stator tube Very Happy , dual ring servo piston and matching spring, kevlar band (std width) 7-8 Alto reds in the high drum, teflon rings throughout, Good pro brake vb, deep pan etc you'll be in good shape.............sure theres a part or two I left out, carefull assy.......smooth ring sealing areas etc.

Gooooood converter, big cooler, syn fluid................this will live no problem in your combo.

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3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide Empty Re: 3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide

Post  138 November 20th 2009, 8:47 pm

good info ...thanks bro


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3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide Empty Re: 3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide

Post  dfree383 November 22nd 2009, 8:36 am

Running 1/8 or 1/4? A 3 speed may be a better choice depending on what your doing at the weight and hp your suggesting.

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3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide Empty Re: 3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide

Post  TravisRice November 22nd 2009, 9:03 am

We ran a 3906# with driver 1100hp car N/A all season with an aftermarket case and internals like Fabio said. Tore it down after the end of the season and it was burning the clutches up, only problems we had. Went ahead and switched to a 10 clutch drum while it was apart.



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3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide Empty Re: 3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide

Post  138 November 22nd 2009, 9:22 am

dfree383 wrote:Running 1/8 or 1/4? A 3 speed may be a better choice depending on what your doing at the weight and hp your suggesting.


TravisRice wrote:We ran a 3906# with driver 1100hp car N/A all season with an aftermarket case and internals like Fabio said. Tore it down after the end of the season and it was burning the clutches up, only problems we had. Went ahead and switched to a 10 clutch drum while it was apart.


Wink thanks


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3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide Empty Re: 3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide

Post  BIGDOG466 November 23rd 2009, 5:46 pm

I have a 5 high drum clutches and I think they are slipping how can you tell? mid track #'s? I will tear it down for inspection but I was just wondering what the tell tell signs where?

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3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide Empty Re: 3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide

Post  richter69 November 23rd 2009, 6:06 pm

Blake just has 5 in that monster of his.

If it is slipping the fluid will get smelly-discolored............a lot of slip it'll lose high gear.

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3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide Empty Re: 3500-4000 lbs 800hp BBF to much for a glide

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