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Does a solid roller lifter with an O.D..903'' require bushing for a A460 block?

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Does a solid roller lifter with an O.D..903'' require bushing for a A460 block?  Empty Does a solid roller lifter with an O.D..903'' require bushing for a A460 block?

Post  CHARLIEB July 4th 2014, 4:32 pm

Happy 4th to the big block family!

I'm wanting to chance out the roller lifters that I have now they have not been installed but would like to exchange for Isky big block .904 EZ roller bushing ISK-3172RH904EZX.

The lifters I have now are the COMP Cams Endure-X Roller Lifters 836-16 with needle bearings.

I guess what I'm needing to know if I can run a .903” lifters without having to bushing the block? The block is new and still in the crate and is untouched.
Thank you for your input.

Posts : 145
Join date : 2012-05-20

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Does a solid roller lifter with an O.D..903'' require bushing for a A460 block?  Empty Re: Does a solid roller lifter with an O.D..903'' require bushing for a A460 block?

Post  rmcomprandy July 4th 2014, 7:57 pm

NO ... for an A460 block you can simply machine the lifter bores larger for a .903" lifter to fit...


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Join date : 2008-12-02
Location : Roseville, Michigan

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Does a solid roller lifter with an O.D..903'' require bushing for a A460 block?  Empty Re: Does a solid roller lifter with an O.D..903'' require bushing for a A460 block?

Post  CHARLIEB July 5th 2014, 12:50 pm

rmcomprandy wrote:NO ... for an A460 block you can simply machine the lifter bores larger for a .903" lifter to fit...

Thank you Randy for the information.

Posts : 145
Join date : 2012-05-20

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Does a solid roller lifter with an O.D..903'' require bushing for a A460 block?  Empty Re: Does a solid roller lifter with an O.D..903'' require bushing for a A460 block?

Post  dfree383 July 5th 2014, 8:21 pm

But the bushings are nice to have they are nice and easy on the lifters.

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Does a solid roller lifter with an O.D..903'' require bushing for a A460 block?  Empty Re: Does a solid roller lifter with an O.D..903'' require bushing for a A460 block?

Post  CHARLIEB July 7th 2014, 8:47 pm

dfree383 wrote:But the bushings are nice to have they are nice and easy on the lifters.

Thanks D for the info. I think I will go with the isky ezx roller .874 . I'm hoping to have good results out of them.

Posts : 145
Join date : 2012-05-20

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Does a solid roller lifter with an O.D..903'' require bushing for a A460 block?  Empty Re: Does a solid roller lifter with an O.D..903'' require bushing for a A460 block?

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