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WANTED: TFS, Ford Racing, or Crane Gold rockers.

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WANTED: TFS, Ford Racing, or Crane Gold rockers.  Empty WANTED: TFS, Ford Racing, or Crane Gold rockers.

Post  dirt_worker May 20th 2015, 10:33 am

Looking for a few spare rockers to put in my tool box. Ive got the black TFS 1.73s now and would like to have a few spares to take along w us to Northwest Drag Tour next month.

Anybody have a few usable ones left over from a damaged set they be willing to sell?

Posts : 535
Join date : 2009-04-03

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WANTED: TFS, Ford Racing, or Crane Gold rockers.  Empty Re: WANTED: TFS, Ford Racing, or Crane Gold rockers.

Post  jbozzelle May 20th 2015, 12:24 pm

How many? I've got some blue FRPP's at the shop. It was a full set minus some damaged ones (4 runs) and I've sold a few since then. I'll stop by tonight and see what I have left.


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WANTED: TFS, Ford Racing, or Crane Gold rockers.  Empty Re: WANTED: TFS, Ford Racing, or Crane Gold rockers.

Post  dirt_worker May 20th 2015, 1:20 pm

let me know how many you have and what you'd like for them.
I was thinking I wanted to pick up 3 or 4 just in case but if you had more I would probably take all of them.

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WANTED: TFS, Ford Racing, or Crane Gold rockers.  Empty Re: WANTED: TFS, Ford Racing, or Crane Gold rockers.

Post  Lem Evans May 20th 2015, 1:31 pm

Make sure you get the ones with the retaining clips on the end of the shafts.

Lem Evans

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WANTED: TFS, Ford Racing, or Crane Gold rockers.  Empty Re: WANTED: TFS, Ford Racing, or Crane Gold rockers.

Post  460pulling May 20th 2015, 6:37 pm

Lem Evans wrote:Make sure you get the ones with the retaining clips on the end of the shafts.

I have a set of 8 of the black TFS ones but they do not have the retaining clips on the ends of the shafts. I wouldn't recommend using the ones without the rings on the outside holding the pin in as they break the caps holding the needles in and wam right into the motor. I believe they are to be self centering.

But if they are the same as yours you are welcome to them if you want them. I will even ship them in a flat rate box for free. I won't be home until friday afternoon to get a picture if you need one.


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WANTED: TFS, Ford Racing, or Crane Gold rockers.  Empty Re: WANTED: TFS, Ford Racing, or Crane Gold rockers.

Post  jbozzelle May 20th 2015, 7:08 pm

I know I have more than that. Couldn't get to shop today. Will swing by in AM and check. They are the good ones with the clips on the ends.


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WANTED: TFS, Ford Racing, or Crane Gold rockers.  Empty Re: WANTED: TFS, Ford Racing, or Crane Gold rockers.

Post  dirt_worker May 20th 2015, 7:27 pm

This raises a good question...which ones do I currently have? Idk...ill have to pull a cover and take a peek.

Honestly...Im only looking to have a few to use in a pinch while were on the rd away from home. just order a few of the new correct one and get back together before racing again.

Posts : 535
Join date : 2009-04-03

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WANTED: TFS, Ford Racing, or Crane Gold rockers.  Empty Re: WANTED: TFS, Ford Racing, or Crane Gold rockers.

Post  Lem Evans May 20th 2015, 7:45 pm

Throw the ones w/o clips in the trash.

Lem Evans

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Join date : 2008-12-03
Location : Livermore , Ky

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WANTED: TFS, Ford Racing, or Crane Gold rockers.  Empty Re: WANTED: TFS, Ford Racing, or Crane Gold rockers.

Post  jbozzelle May 21st 2015, 2:37 pm

I have 11 of them. Would you want 3 which would allow me to still sell or use half a set?


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Age : 50
Location : New Orleans

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WANTED: TFS, Ford Racing, or Crane Gold rockers.  Empty Re: WANTED: TFS, Ford Racing, or Crane Gold rockers.

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