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super comp headers primary size question rpm hp limits

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super comp headers primary size question rpm hp limits  Empty super comp headers primary size question rpm hp limits

Post  5pointslow May 21st 2015, 9:27 pm

got a set of hooker super comps 2 inch primary 3 1/2 collector foxbody swap headers for $100 today
going to try to see if they fit or make work In the maverick with aje front end .


whats the ideal limit for these headers ? i mean i plan on 6500-6800 rpm max and maybe 750 hp tops give or take
i have not posted in a while and been busy finally finished my house ,

i have eddy 61649 Cj heads im using if it matters

either going stock crank with h beams and pistons from carl (14.1) that he sells or somthing similar with these heads ....

was going to use the 4.3 crank i have but think im gonna sell it , seems from what i have read the stock crank is pretty tuff unit and with similar setup heads, solid roller cam and compression . the a 466 vs 528 id imagine wouldnt be night and day ,but i could be wrong

all in all simple footbrake bracket car just wanna get into the 9s

happy to be back on and away from house reno , now i can work on the car and looking forward to chating with you guys


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super comp headers primary size question rpm hp limits  Empty Re: super comp headers primary size question rpm hp limits

Post  dfree383 May 21st 2015, 9:31 pm

I've made almost 900hp with 2" header

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super comp headers primary size question rpm hp limits  Empty Re: super comp headers primary size question rpm hp limits

Post  70FB May 22nd 2015, 2:01 am

I used the fox body headers in mine with the AJE kit. Had to change two tubes on the drivers side. 2" and 730hp. I'm sure they are probably restricting the motor some.

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super comp headers primary size question rpm hp limits  Empty Re: super comp headers primary size question rpm hp limits

Post  BigRigTech May 22nd 2015, 11:16 am

I have them in my car. I had to slightly flatten one tube on the drivers side where it was hitting the frame. I also use front and mid plates so I had to lower my steering shaft 3" in the firewall to clear my headers.

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super comp headers primary size question rpm hp limits  Empty Lowering steering shalf

Post  mpinder18 March 26th 2017, 7:20 pm

[quote="BigRigTech"]I have them in my car. I had to slightly flatten one tube on the drivers side where it was hitting the frame. I also use front and mid plates so I had to lower my steering shaft 3" in the firewall to clear my headers.

How did you lower the the steering shalf in the car? Did you cut under the opening and extend the shaft?

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super comp headers primary size question rpm hp limits  Empty Re: super comp headers primary size question rpm hp limits

Post  IDT-572 March 27th 2017, 9:26 am

I ran a set in a 86 fox with a D&D K member. 860 HP 6700 RPM peak.

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super comp headers primary size question rpm hp limits  Empty Re: super comp headers primary size question rpm hp limits

Post  D. Sea March 27th 2017, 9:46 am

825-ish HP for my 534 with A429 heads on 2" into 3.5" headers.

You'll be fine...
D. Sea
D. Sea

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super comp headers primary size question rpm hp limits  Empty Re: super comp headers primary size question rpm hp limits

Post  BigRigTech March 27th 2017, 8:27 pm

I dropped the column 3" where it passes through the firewall. I also fabbed some spacers to drop the column down accordingly inside the car. I didn't have to extend the shaft, I used a flaming river shaft kit that was trim as you need it.

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