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Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender

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Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender Empty Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender

Post  rocketpony September 16th 2015, 5:27 pm

Ok so got new starter which has the solinoid on the starter. The car is fox mustang which has solinoid on the fender.
So will that be ok? Is there anything I gota change?


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Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender Empty Re: Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender

Post  maverick September 16th 2015, 6:12 pm

You only need one. Bypass the fender deal.

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Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender Empty Re: Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender

Post  wayney September 16th 2015, 7:30 pm

run the heavy gauge wire from the battery cable side of the solenoid to the starter. this will be hot all the time. run the small wire from the solenoid on the starter to the other large terminal on the original solenoid. where the old starter wire was hooked to.



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Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender Empty Re: Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender

Post  69F100 September 16th 2015, 11:51 pm

wayney wrote:run the heavy gauge wire from the battery cable side of the solenoid to the starter. this will be hot all the time. run the small wire from the solenoid on the starter to the other large terminal on the original solenoid. where the old starter wire was hooked to.


X2 that way you don't have to run any of the other wires for the charging system and assy to the new starter

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Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender Empty Re: Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender

Post  rocketpony September 17th 2015, 1:58 am

Thanks guys, I appreciate the help time and time again


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Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender Empty Re: Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender

Post  rck532 September 18th 2015, 8:46 pm

just use a jumper wire from the small wire to the batt wire on the starter

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Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender Empty Re: Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender

Post  gt350hr September 21st 2015, 5:49 pm

rck532 wrote:just use a jumper wire from the small wire to the batt wire on the starter

Tilton says to do it that way . It does keep the bendix engaged too long as it's still engaged when the engine fires up. Ford wires them like the post from Wayne says. I did my F350 this way using the EFI Ford high torque starter and it is trouble free.


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Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender Empty Re: Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender

Post  rmcomprandy September 21st 2015, 11:00 pm

rocketpony wrote:Ok so got new starter which has the solinoid on the starter. The car is fox mustang which has solinoid on the fender.
So will that be ok? Is there anything I gotta change?

Depending upon WHICH starter combination you now have and its amperage requirements, there are a few different ways it could/should be wired.

If it is a Ford Racing starter then simply move the battery cable on the fender solenoid coming from the starter to the same side as the cable coming from the battery; (the other side from where it is now).  Then, run the small 16 gauge wire from the starter combination to the pole on the fender solenoid where that cable used to be.
(As Wayne has already said).


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Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender Empty Re: Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender

Post  bigjohn2007 May 9th 2017, 9:19 am

I took battery wire off solenoid and ran to starter.I had jumper on starter.The problem now is I had my power for my msd stuff on same terminal on solenoid as the starter wire now no power for my painless or msd.And we're does the small wire from starter hook to?

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Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender Empty Re: Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender

Post  bigjohn2007 May 9th 2017, 9:24 am

Trying leave solenoid on fenders also for a 12 volt source for accessories.Do I need leave the solenoid on fender or take it off.

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Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender Empty Re: Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender

Post  rmcomprandy May 9th 2017, 9:37 am

wayney wrote: run the heavy gauge wire from the battery cable side of the solenoid to the starter. this will be hot all the time. run the small wire from the solenoid on the starter to the other large terminal on the original solenoid. where the old starter wire was hooked to.




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Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender Empty Re: Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender

Post  bigjohn2007 May 9th 2017, 10:21 am

When I did that the starter engaged time I put battery  cable on.What side does the wire from solenoid on starter go on solenoid on the fender?Wud I leave the jumper wire on the solenoid on the starter?

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Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender Empty Re: Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender

Post  BOSS 429 May 9th 2017, 1:21 pm

maverick wrote:You only need one.  Bypass the fender deal.

Its not a chevy, whats he going to do with the rest of the wires? thats silly
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BOSS 429

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Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender Empty Re: Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender

Post  BOSS 429 May 9th 2017, 1:24 pm

rck532 wrote:just use a jumper wire from the small wire to the batt wire on the starter

Yes, I use a piece of steel ,< this never fails
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BOSS 429

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Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender Empty Re: Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender

Post  bigjohn2007 May 9th 2017, 9:42 pm

I wire back like I had it thru solenoid on firewall.Check the volt on hot side and it was 12.6.Then I check it at starter when I was turning the engine over show 9 volts is this good or should it be higher.I put ground strap on engine to frame and it helped cause it would hardly spin over before.Plus I put new wire and terminals on battery and new ground wire to chassis.I have summit starter on it thinking about going 16 volt battery and better starter.

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Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender Empty Re: Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender

Post  hienergy557 May 9th 2017, 10:16 pm

rmcomprandy wrote:
rocketpony wrote:Ok so got new starter which has the solinoid on the starter. The car is fox mustang which has solinoid on the fender.
So will that be ok? Is there anything I gotta change?

Depending upon WHICH starter combination you now have and its amperage requirements, there are a few different ways it could/should be wired.

If it is a Ford Racing starter then simply move the battery cable on the fender solenoid coming from the starter to the same side as the cable coming from the battery; (the other side from where it is now).  Then, run the small 16 gauge wire from the starter combination to the pole on the fender solenoid where that cable used to be.
(As Wayne has already said).

This is the correct way. If you want your starter to last.

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Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender Empty Re: Starter wiring , with solinoid on starter and fender

Post  Curt May 10th 2017, 12:58 pm

I guess so on a door car if the battery is up front, but with a long run, I want the hot battery cable to be hot only when starting. JMHO

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