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358 Cleveland Yates headed Nascar engine

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358 Cleveland Yates headed Nascar engine Empty 358 Cleveland Yates headed Nascar engine

Post  soupbean July 27th 2016, 9:11 am

I know its not a bbf but acquired this engine and wanted to see if there was any interest.
358 Cleveland Yates headed Nascar engine complete from intake to pan. Rare block ex193540. Gen 1 Yates heads E2zm6090 A3. Supposedly build by Robert Yates in the late 80's early 90's. Not sure about internals as I couldn't see any names but I was told Callies crank?, Carrillo rods?, Mahle pistons?, all good looking stuff. Cylinder walls look good. Triple springs with Jomar girdles and Crane roller rockers. Edelbrock intake designed specifically for these heads. Lem or Charlie Evans, y'all know anything about these?

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Age : 46
Location : Gainesville, Ga.

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358 Cleveland Yates headed Nascar engine Empty Re: 358 Cleveland Yates headed Nascar engine

Post  Mark Laczo July 29th 2016, 9:37 am

You might have a few more bites over on the 335 forum also ?
Mark Laczo
Mark Laczo

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358 Cleveland Yates headed Nascar engine Empty Re: 358 Cleveland Yates headed Nascar engine

Post  dfree383 July 29th 2016, 11:48 am

Pics and a price would help too

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358 Cleveland Yates headed Nascar engine Empty Re: 358 Cleveland Yates headed Nascar engine

Post  dr's wife racing July 31st 2016, 10:44 am

I have a couple of grinds who run older yates stuff. Was interested in knowing a price.
dr's wife racing
dr's wife racing

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358 Cleveland Yates headed Nascar engine Empty Re: 358 Cleveland Yates headed Nascar engine

Post  soupbean August 1st 2016, 11:17 am

I'll take 5 for it. There is more info on it on a thread on yellow bullet along with some pics. Search rare nascar.

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358 Cleveland Yates headed Nascar engine Empty Re: 358 Cleveland Yates headed Nascar engine

Post  dr's wife racing August 1st 2016, 7:58 pm

soupbean wrote:I'll take 5 for it. There is more info on it on a thread on yellow bullet along with some pics. Search rare nascar.
Okay I will tell them.
dr's wife racing
dr's wife racing

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358 Cleveland Yates headed Nascar engine Empty A3 heads

Post  fastashley August 4th 2016, 1:09 pm

A3 heads are not a Yates head. They are aluminum high-port Cleveland heads. This is a canted valve head with typically a 2.19/1.72 valves. Cleveland 65cc chamber not the Yates 40cc. These heads were the shit, but NASCAR eventually banned them because Ford had the only canted valve head. I had this head on a 4.125/3.35 358. It made 694 hp at 7500


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358 Cleveland Yates headed Nascar engine Empty Re: 358 Cleveland Yates headed Nascar engine

Post  soupbean August 7th 2016, 11:54 pm

I was def off on what I thought I had but def a cool piece. Check it out.

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Age : 46
Location : Gainesville, Ga.

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