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Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow....

Frank Merkl
bird of prey
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Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow.... - Page 3 Empty Re: Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow....

Post  FalconEh October 2nd 2016, 10:28 pm

Cool cheers Twisted Evil

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Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow.... - Page 3 Empty Re: Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow....

Post  bruno October 14th 2016, 6:20 pm

update on the shit box

coming soon x275 build .........
thanks to all my sponsors :

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Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow.... - Page 3 Empty Re: Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow....

Post  richter69 October 15th 2016, 11:58 pm

Been fighting me all weekend, did manage to run 179 mph w it bangin the limiter on a peddled and high gear 1/4 mile pass. Went back the next round and the carbon fiber driveshaft spun the front yoke in the tube when I turned the brake loose.

Had a decent handle on it two weeks ago this weekend it wouldnt move out of its own tracks. May try a gear swap and see what happens... Track was so so, its like if its on point i can get it down on one kit good, try both and no dice. It did make a decent run off the trailer yesterday, but used up the whole lane in the process.

Starting to get a bit aggravated w it tbh, may park it and go play with guns again idk.

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Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow.... - Page 3 Empty Re: Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow....

Post  cool40 October 16th 2016, 12:28 am

Keep at it! It'll be worth it in the end! Wink

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Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow.... - Page 3 Empty Re: Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow....

Post  John Myrick October 16th 2016, 9:25 am

Using up the whole lane ?? get out of it, don't need you ending up like some others. There's always another day to race and it's not like you are getting paid to risk your life out there.
Be safe
John Myrick
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Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow.... - Page 3 Empty Re: Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow....

Post  richter69 October 16th 2016, 10:18 am

Eh, i got mad skills.....

Gonna throw 1.58 gearset back in trans and play with rear gear as needed.

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Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow.... - Page 3 Empty Re: Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow....

Post  IDT-572 October 17th 2016, 9:30 am

richter69 wrote:Eh, i got mad skills..... Famous last words ! ! ! ! !   Right there with Hey yall watch this. Crying or Very sad  

Gonna throw 1.58 gearset back in trans and play with rear gear as needed.

What material is the borrowed drive shaft made of? Fiber shaft most likely didn't shock the tires like the new one does.

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Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow.... - Page 3 Empty Re: Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow....

Post  richter69 October 17th 2016, 5:27 pm

Same shaft pst carbon.

Dawned on me my slicks are 2 yrs old.... Gonna stick some new uns on and see what happens

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Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow.... - Page 3 Empty Re: Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow....

Post  maverick October 17th 2016, 7:38 pm

richter69 wrote:Same shaft pst carbon.

Dawned on me my slicks are 2 yrs old.... Gonna stick some new uns on and see what happens

I'd expect better results. Even with zero passes on 'em, 2 year old tires are for swap meets. Wink

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Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow.... - Page 3 Empty Re: Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow....

Post  richter69 October 17th 2016, 10:28 pm

Sat too long waiting on a bullet i rekon

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Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow.... - Page 3 Empty Re: Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow....

Post  FalconEh October 17th 2016, 10:37 pm

richter69 wrote:Been fighting me all weekend, did manage to run 179 mph w it bangin the limiter on a peddled and high gear 1/4 mile pass. Went back the next round and the carbon fiber driveshaft spun the front yoke in the tube when I turned the brake loose.

Had a decent handle on it two weeks ago this weekend it wouldnt move out of its own tracks. May try a gear swap and see what happens... Track was so so, its like if its on point i can get it down on one kit good, try both and no dice. It did make a decent run off the trailer yesterday, but used up the whole lane in the process.

Starting to get a bit aggravated w it tbh, may park it and go play with guns again idk.

Sounds like you acquired some more brass/copper and need a stress reliever, go bust some rounds...might help to get back in the groove with the Tang Tack Driver. Cool

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Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow.... - Page 3 Empty Re: Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow....

Post  whitefield October 17th 2016, 11:35 pm

[quote="richter69"]Sat too long waiting on a bullet i rekon[/quot

Hang in there you will get it.


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Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow.... - Page 3 Empty Re: Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow....

Post  FalconEh October 25th 2016, 9:55 pm

Bump for a shakedown with a 1.58 and some new boots progressing with enough NOS to drop kick a mule...maybe some HeRo footage too. Very Happy

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Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow.... - Page 3 Empty Re: Guess I'll see if this pile of shit will run tomorrow....

Post  richter69 October 26th 2016, 9:17 am

Waitin on slicks and the next race date, should be the 5th.
1.80 still in, made a few sus changes and plan on hitting it harder instead of softer... See what happens.

If the weather turns to crap prob be next spring

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