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557 Oil pressure

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557  Oil pressure  Empty 557 Oil pressure

Post  waterslinger April 7th 2017, 1:59 pm

557 with a solid roller, no lifter bushings, oil press is low to me. 70ish cold with 20 50 VR1. 60ish running with 210 oil temp.
Jet boat set up with 10 qt Doolie pan and CJ style HV melling pump. 30 ish at hot idle. Motor temp is 150 going to lower that some to see if oil temp comes down with it. Had top end flooding with Comp lifters so got a set from Cam Research (look like Herbert) cured the flooding but pressure is still low to me.
Rolling Eyes


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Join date : 2009-08-13

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557  Oil pressure  Empty Re: 557 Oil pressure

Post  Lem Evans April 7th 2017, 3:10 pm

60ish with 210* oil temp is not in the critical zone i.m.o.

What pump and bearing clearance do you have?


Lem Evans

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Location : Livermore , Ky

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557  Oil pressure  Empty Re: 557 Oil pressure

Post  6t6mustang April 8th 2017, 11:44 am

Seems fine, where are you reading pressure from?

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557  Oil pressure  Empty Re: 557 Oil pressure

Post  BBFTorino April 8th 2017, 9:08 pm

I don't see that the oil pressure is out of whack. It's right where it should be.
Maybe add an external oil cooler if temps seem too hot for you.


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557  Oil pressure  Empty Re: 557 Oil pressure

Post  waterslinger April 10th 2017, 7:59 am

Ok thanks for the sanity check. I tend to over think my own stuff.  M84BHV pump in a 10 qt pan, not sure on brg clearances short block from CHP. OP gauge feeding from rear port.

This has been a long project 4 years, motor was assembled with Heads and some other stuff from Lem. Installed in the boat, ate the impeller on first hit. Upgraded to AT pump with stainless imp. Rolled boat over, did a flip in the air so I was told by the people behind me. Landed up right but beat the boat up a tad. sold that hull got a TX-19. Lost job of 24 years, relocated, and a hand full of other set backs but its going now.


Posts : 5
Join date : 2009-08-13

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