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Thanks to everyone who came and to the sponsors for the race.

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Thanks to  everyone who came and to the sponsors for the race.  Empty Thanks to everyone who came and to the sponsors for the race.

Post  Wes Littrell June 15th 2017, 9:54 pm

For those that aren't on the Facebook page I wanted to put this here. I want to once again thank everyone for coming to the race and to thank our sponsors. Keith Fulp Motorsports, Mike Bowery with Eliminator Products, Lem Evans with BF Evans Ford, Cody Ladowski with Straightline Machine, Phillip Oakley with Oakley Motorsports. Without these sponsors and all of you, this wouldn't be possible. So next time you need something, think about the people who give back to all of us. I also want to thank George Keown for putting on the 5.30 race and Charlie Evans for bringing his gasket selection. It came in handy. This was a very emotional year with Leroy's passing. We've lost several of our racing family over the last few years and each and every one was equally important, but to loose one at our race was definitely unexpected. The fact that I was setting behind him eating and joking just a couple hours earlier is still a shock. I will say that this group of great people showed why this race means so much to me. Their character is second to none. Thank you all.
Wes Littrell
Wes Littrell

Posts : 647
Join date : 2008-12-16
Age : 53
Location : Mid Mo

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Thanks to  everyone who came and to the sponsors for the race.  Empty Re: Thanks to everyone who came and to the sponsors for the race.

Post  bruno June 16th 2017, 7:09 am

well said Wes and thank you for all your do !!!

coming soon x275 build .........
thanks to all my sponsors :

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Join date : 2008-12-02
Age : 52
Location : MILLBROOK , AL.


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Thanks to  everyone who came and to the sponsors for the race.  Empty Re: Thanks to everyone who came and to the sponsors for the race.

Post  Wes Littrell June 16th 2017, 1:19 pm

bruno wrote:well said Wes and thank you for all your do !!!

You are very welcome
Wes Littrell
Wes Littrell

Posts : 647
Join date : 2008-12-16
Age : 53
Location : Mid Mo

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Thanks to  everyone who came and to the sponsors for the race.  Empty Re: Thanks to everyone who came and to the sponsors for the race.

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