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Pilot Bushing Confusion-Need Help

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Pilot Bushing Confusion-Need Help Empty Pilot Bushing Confusion-Need Help

Post  Cazador November 21st 2017, 9:27 am

‘71 TJ motor’s going to have an NP435 behind it. The crank has two options for a pilot bushing. The outer step is a larger diameter than the inner step. I installed a brass bushing in the outer step but it protruded about 1/8” above the end of the crank. This worries me. I searched EVERYWHERE but couldn’t find a bushing to fit the inner step. The ID of that inner step just doesn’t match anything I could find: anywhere. What do you think about using the outer step bushing? Just seems like it should set completely into the crank and it doesn’t.
Would appreciate your insight as I’m very much a rookie; but having fun notwithstanding frustration at this point. Vic


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Join date : 2017-09-24

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Pilot Bushing Confusion-Need Help Empty Re: Pilot Bushing Confusion-Need Help

Post  ROAD RAGE November 21st 2017, 1:13 pm

Try A: NAPA, SKF#N3058. (Its a roller bearing).
See if that work's for ya,
Good Luck..........

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Join date : 2008-12-18

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Pilot Bushing Confusion-Need Help Empty Re: Pilot Bushing Confusion-Need Help

Post  Cazador November 21st 2017, 1:26 pm

ROAD RAGE wrote:Try A: NAPA, SKF#N3058. (Its a roller bearing).
See if that work's for ya,
Good Luck..........

Will do, and thanks a lot.


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Join date : 2017-09-24

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Pilot Bushing Confusion-Need Help Empty Re: Pilot Bushing Confusion-Need Help

Post  BOSS 429 November 22nd 2017, 4:31 pm

crank should take a 1.850 o.d. pilot bushing,
BOSS 429
BOSS 429

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Pilot Bushing Confusion-Need Help Empty Re: Pilot Bushing Confusion-Need Help

Post  Cazador November 22nd 2017, 5:18 pm

BOSS 429 wrote:crank should take a 1.850 o.d. pilot bushing,

That's right. And that's the outer "step", closest to the end of the crankshaft, that I was talking about. And the bushing I found that fits there protrudes about 1/8" beyond the end of the crankshaft on my motor. So two things: why? and is it safe to put a pilot bushing/bearing in that place and use it without worrying about it all the time?


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Join date : 2017-09-24

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Pilot Bushing Confusion-Need Help Empty Re: Pilot Bushing Confusion-Need Help

Post  BOSS 429 November 22nd 2017, 6:18 pm

correct , they are out about 1/8. thats how they fit, are are never flush
BOSS 429
BOSS 429

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Location : Ill

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