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What's a good stock length rod Upgrade?

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What's a good stock length rod Upgrade? Empty What's a good stock length rod Upgrade?

Post  ED468 September 28th 2018, 11:53 pm

I see H-beams are about 50 grams heavier then stock rods and they don't make SIR rods in stock lengths no more. Look like Crower I beam?? Procomps I beams looks good but scare me.


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What's a good stock length rod Upgrade? Empty Re: What's a good stock length rod Upgrade?

Post  dfree383 September 29th 2018, 12:19 am

The Scat Hbeams have been used successfully many times, great bang for-the buck.

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What's a good stock length rod Upgrade? Empty Re: What's a good stock length rod Upgrade?

Post  Paul Kane September 29th 2018, 1:11 pm

ED468 wrote:I see H-beams are about 50 grams heavier then stock rods and they don't make SIR rods in stock lengths no more. Look like Crower I beam?? Procomps I beams looks good but scare me.
I can't think of an OEM length rod option out there that doesn't have a use, and that includes Procomp's 3 different con rod offerings (as well as all the other brands).  That said, if you want piece of mind then your cost is only about $100 more give or take.

What the peak rpm, HP, and application of this engine?
Paul Kane
Paul Kane

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What's a good stock length rod Upgrade? Empty Parameters

Post  ED468 September 29th 2018, 4:57 pm

Hopefully keep 6800 rpms with better rod. Want to be able to have shortblock live through better bolt ons. So 450 HP to 600. Got dove heads ported going on first with dual plane. Might through a really good set of TFS Streets on it later with a solid roller I got. All depend if gas goes way up and cruising gets too High of cost. Heck might even throw a 150 shot on it later down the road. Might never leave drive way either. But like having room for options later. Right now like to go to cruise inns and gets some timed passes to talk about.


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What's a good stock length rod Upgrade? Empty Re: What's a good stock length rod Upgrade?

Post  rmcomprandy September 29th 2018, 5:10 pm

ED468 wrote:I see H-beams are about 50 grams heavier then stock rods and they don't make SIR rods in stock lengths no more. Look like Crower I beam?? Procomps  I beams looks good but scare me.

Although an H-beam rod is a bit heavier, a good aftermarket forged piston & pin are usually a bit lighter so, it is still pretty easy to balance.


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What's a good stock length rod Upgrade? Empty Re: What's a good stock length rod Upgrade?

Post  Mark O'Neal September 29th 2018, 9:01 pm

Lightweight I-Beam

Approximately 775 grams. I've been using them for over 20 years.

Mark O'Neal

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What's a good stock length rod Upgrade? Empty Re: What's a good stock length rod Upgrade?

Post  Mark Miller September 29th 2018, 11:45 pm

Mark O'Neal wrote:Lightweight I-Beam

Approximately 775 grams. I've been using them for over 20 years.

Nice looking rods!!! Smile

Mark Miller

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What's a good stock length rod Upgrade? Empty Re: What's a good stock length rod Upgrade?

Post  ED468 October 4th 2018, 12:03 pm

Paul Kane wrote:
ED468 wrote:I see H-beams are about 50 grams heavier then stock rods and they don't make SIR rods in stock lengths no more. Look like Crower I beam?? Procomps I beams looks good but scare me.
I can't think of an OEM length rod option out there that doesn't have a use, and that includes Procomp's 3 different con rod offerings (as well as all the other brands).  That said, if you want piece of mind then your cost is only about $100 more give or take.

What the peak rpm, HP, and application of this engine?

What you know about the RPM I beam 4340 ROD. Its suppose to way 740 grams, but sounds too light. Probes are 775 grams, RPMS come with arp 200 bolts. Can't swing the cash for the PROBES, Maybe can later for the RPMs


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Location : Maunie il.

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What's a good stock length rod Upgrade? Empty Re: What's a good stock length rod Upgrade?

Post  Mark O'Neal October 4th 2018, 11:15 pm

The RPM Rod doesn't come with ARP-2000 Bolts.....not that you need them.

Mark O'Neal

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Join date : 2009-08-12

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