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Trying to find year on Ford 429

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Trying to find year on Ford 429 Empty Trying to find year on Ford 429

Post  Ty Cooper October 19th 2018, 9:24 am

Hi, I was wondering if any one could help me determine the year on a Ford 429. I am pretty sure it is a truck motor. The casting on the block is DIVEA2B101, heads D3EV A24, and the manifold D3VF AID 15426378. Does any one know the year? I have tried to look at a few cross references but haven't had much luck.



Ty Cooper

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Trying to find year on Ford 429 Empty Re: Trying to find year on Ford 429

Post  BBFTorino October 19th 2018, 2:29 pm

It is at least 71 or later. If you have the motor all apart, or at least have the intake manifold off, there will be a number cast in the middle of the lifter valley, and it will have a number, then a letter, followed by another number.

For example, there may be "2F23" that would be "2" the year...1972. "F" the month which would be June, and "23" the day of the month....the 23rd.
So the part would be cast on June 23, 1972.
Every major part will have this date code ....block, cylinder heads, intake manifold, exhaust manifolds, etc.
One thing to note.....Ford used letters to denote the month, but they do not use the letter "I" because it is easy to confuse with the number "1". So you skip the letter "I" and go to the next in line which is "J".

H....August "I" is skipped so that it is not confused with "1"


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Trying to find year on Ford 429 Empty Re: Trying to find year on Ford 429

Post  Paul Kane October 20th 2018, 11:28 am

Ty Cooper wrote:Hi, I was wondering if any one could help me determine the year on a Ford 429.  I am pretty sure it is a truck motor.  The casting on the block is DIVEA2B101, heads D3EV A24, and the manifold D3VF AID 15426378. Does any one know the year?  I have tried to look at a few cross references but haven't had much luck.


if it’s a factory original 429 then it’s a 1973 model. 7.5:1 c/r.

It could also be a 460.  In order to confirm whiich displacement engine it is, you must unbutton the oil pan and look at the crankshaft numbers on the edge of the 3rd counterweight from the snout.

4U is a 429
2Y is a 460
Paul Kane
Paul Kane

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Trying to find year on Ford 429 Empty Re: Trying to find year on Ford 429

Post  Ty Cooper October 20th 2018, 9:41 pm

OK, thanks.  I know that it's a 429 because the air cleaner on it said 429 7.0L.  I will assume that it is a 1973.  Thank you for your help.

Ty Cooper

Posts : 2
Join date : 2018-10-19

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Trying to find year on Ford 429 Empty Re: Trying to find year on Ford 429

Post  427John November 1st 2018, 10:24 am

Ty,if it is a 429 pass car engine with that D1VE block it would have to be a 73,since 73 was the last year of the pass car 429 if it is a 460 it could be  a later model year with those casting numbers,if it were a 72 it would have the crappy D2VE heads unless you were lucky enough to have the PI with the D2OE heads,I think the later 429 MD truck motors had the D9TE blocks.The air cleaner lid sticker is not the most reliable method of identification since it is easily changed,Ive seen 289's with a 429 air cleaner on them.


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Trying to find year on Ford 429 Empty Re: Trying to find year on Ford 429

Post  mach1charlie November 2nd 2018, 9:04 am

Truck motor will have football head Rod bolts


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