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Gasket issue

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Gasket issue Empty Gasket issue

Post  racinghabbit January 27th 2019, 8:59 pm

I have not been having any luck with fel-pro intake gaskets... what are others running for intake gaskets ... I use a edelbrock victor intake Dominator flange. max effort DOVE heads.

Also does anyone make a 1 piece oil pan gasket that will work on the early 460? I tried a felpro one for like a efi block and there not the same.

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Gasket issue Empty Re: Gasket issue

Post  rmcomprandy January 28th 2019, 12:33 am

racinghabbit wrote:I have not been having any luck with fel-pro intake gaskets... what are others running for intake gaskets ... I use a edelbrock victor intake Dominator flange. max effort DOVE heads.

Also does anyone make a 1 piece oil pan gasket that will work on the early 460?  I tried a felpro one for like a efi block and there not the same.

Fel-Pro black "Print-O-Seal" race intake gaskets are made to be replaced.

I use the Mr. Gasket "plain" gaskets.


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Gasket issue Empty Re: Gasket issue

Post  Gregaust January 28th 2019, 3:04 am

Victor Reinz 95074SG works for me . Those are the CJ port size . I had no luck either with those Printoseals .. Some on here also have had a good run with SCE.

I used the Ford Racing one piece pan gasket but made a fixture to clamp the corner inserts to drill them


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Gasket issue Empty Re: Gasket issue

Post  jbozzelle January 28th 2019, 11:39 am

Been using the Cometic intake gaskets.

And I've never had an issue with a one piece oil pan gasket. I just helicoil the corner bolts so they're smaller like the rest of the oil pan bolts...


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Gasket issue Empty Re: Gasket issue

Post  IDT-572 January 28th 2019, 12:40 pm

jbozzelle wrote:Been using the Cometic intake gaskets.  

And I've never had an issue with a one piece oil pan gasket.  I just helicoil the corner bolts so they're smaller like the rest of the oil pan bolts...

Same here..........

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Gasket issue Empty Re: Gasket issue

Post  BOSS 429 January 28th 2019, 1:24 pm

if you have to down size the 4 end holes in the block your using the wrong gasket, order the early one.

As far as intake gasket go,I love the print o seal ( 1230s and 1231s), wont use anything else. going to use 2 pair today.
BOSS 429
BOSS 429

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