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Starter problem/ wont shut off

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Starter problem/ wont shut off Empty Starter problem/ wont shut off

Post  Tore September 26th 2019, 6:42 pm

I know this is a 429/460 forum. But I have a 61 galaxie with a 427 TP. I replaced the solenoid as it wouldn't get any voltage to the starter. I have put in 2 new solenoids and now when I turn the key off it just keeps spinning the engine over. Any ideas would be helpful.

Thanks Tore

Posts : 865
Join date : 2009-08-19

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Starter problem/ wont shut off Empty Re: Starter problem/ wont shut off

Post  norm September 26th 2019, 8:07 pm

Does the switch wire still have voltage when key is released? Ignition switch maybe shot

Otherwise i've seen a low battery make solenoids stick then jump/battery charger and solenoid would work fine.

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Starter problem/ wont shut off Empty Re: Starter problem/ wont shut off

Post  stanger68 September 27th 2019, 12:12 am

Most likely the ign switch. I’ve seen 2 different 68 mustangs do the same thing.


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Starter problem/ wont shut off Empty Re: Starter problem/ wont shut off

Post  Tore September 27th 2019, 9:55 am

stanger68 wrote:Most likely the ign switch. I’ve seen 2 different 68 mustangs do the same thing.

Thanks Guys it looks like the ignition switch.


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Join date : 2009-08-19

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Starter problem/ wont shut off Empty Re: Starter problem/ wont shut off

Post  stanger68 September 27th 2019, 10:55 am

I have always chalked this one up as cheap aftermarket parts.


Posts : 502
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Location : Birmingham, Al

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Starter problem/ wont shut off Empty Re: Starter problem/ wont shut off

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