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rear soft plug

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rear soft plug Empty rear soft plug

Post  57ford custom February 21st 2020, 2:00 pm

I just got my engine block back from the machine shop and the rear soft plug behind the cam has been installed FE style with the cup facing inward. Should I remove it and change it back to the way it comes from the factory or will it hurt anything the way it is now?
57ford custom
57ford custom

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Join date : 2017-04-28

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rear soft plug Empty Re: rear soft plug

Post  lance flake February 21st 2020, 2:45 pm

I have seen them in like that and caused no problems. As long as it is not in to far and binds the cam up against the retaining plate should be fine

lance flake

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rear soft plug Empty Re: rear soft plug

Post  rmcomprandy February 22nd 2020, 12:15 pm

57ford custom wrote:I just got my engine block back from the machine shop and the rear soft plug behind the cam has been installed FE style with the cup facing inward. Should I remove it and change it back to the way it comes from the factory or will it hurt anything the way it is now?

As long as it doesn't leak it is fine. Some cam plugs are made with a reverse taper.


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