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Rod bolts with h beams

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Rod bolts with h beams  Empty Rod bolts with h beams

Post  Steve-oh March 24th 2020, 3:09 pm

Looking at h beam rods for my new engine, 557 8-850 hp factory block, looking at the scats, will the 8740 bolts be ok or do I need the 2000 bolts

Last edited by Steve-oh on March 24th 2020, 3:37 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelling)


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Rod bolts with h beams  Empty Re: Rod bolts with h beams

Post  rmcomprandy March 24th 2020, 5:38 pm

Steve-oh wrote:Looking at h beam rods for my new engine, 557 8-850 hp factory block, looking at the scats, will the 8740 bolts be ok or do I need the 2000 bolts

8740 are usually fine unless the engine will see high RPM often or abuse.


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Rod bolts with h beams  Empty Re: Rod bolts with h beams

Post  Steve-oh March 24th 2020, 6:51 pm

7k ok?


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Join date : 2018-09-18

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Rod bolts with h beams  Empty Re: Rod bolts with h beams

Post  rmcomprandy March 24th 2020, 7:21 pm

Steve-oh wrote:7k ok?

7K with a 4 1/2 inch stroke is not an everyday stroker engine. You better decide on more than rod bolts.


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Rod bolts with h beams  Empty Re: Rod bolts with h beams

Post  6t6mustang April 21st 2020, 9:52 pm

Arp 2000, consider a callies compstar, same price range but the big end is stronger and come with arp 2000s..

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Rod bolts with h beams  Empty Re: Rod bolts with h beams

Post  gt350hr April 22nd 2020, 11:30 am

Both are offshore origin. 8740 bolts have less "cycle life" and should be replaced any time the engine is torn down. ARP 2000 bolts can take several re torques. Checking with a stretch gauge will show you when the bolt is stretching too much while trying to get the proper torque and tell you it is failing.


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Rod bolts with h beams  Empty Re: Rod bolts with h beams

Post  Steve-oh April 22nd 2020, 11:37 am

Got the eagle h beams with the l19 bolts


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Rod bolts with h beams  Empty Re: Rod bolts with h beams

Post  Curt April 22nd 2020, 7:45 pm

Steve-oh wrote:Got the eagle h beams with the l19 bolts
Don't forget to wear your gloves when handling them.

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Rod bolts with h beams  Empty Re: Rod bolts with h beams

Post  Steve-oh April 22nd 2020, 8:58 pm

Lol, over the 19 for sure!


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Join date : 2018-09-18

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Rod bolts with h beams  Empty Re: Rod bolts with h beams

Post  Mark O'Neal April 23rd 2020, 3:17 am

Look at using a Molnar rod.

Mark O'Neal

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Rod bolts with h beams  Empty Re: Rod bolts with h beams

Post  Lem Evans April 23rd 2020, 8:43 am

Mark O'Neal wrote:Look at using a Molnar rod.

Yep, Molnar has a proper on center Ford rod.

They are std. with 2000 arp bolts.

Lem Evans

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Rod bolts with h beams  Empty Re: Rod bolts with h beams

Post  gt350hr April 23rd 2020, 10:45 am

+1 on Molnar. They are a little higher priced , but the center to center , big and small end sizing , and weights are spot on . Mine are ten years old and still doing the job. They are often lighter and certainly an improved design over other H beams out there.


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Rod bolts with h beams  Empty Re: Rod bolts with h beams

Post  Uglytruck April 23rd 2020, 11:16 am

I have been running Molnar rods for several seasons with a 4.5" crank, spinning it 7200 regularly. Holding up great. and yes, they have the arp2000 bolts. When I was having tachometer issues I accidentally ran it up to much more than 7200.


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