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Timing chain limits

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Timing chain limits Empty Timing chain limits

Post  EverySparePenny April 3rd 2020, 10:16 am

At what limit should I consider upgrading from a quality timing chain set up to say a milidon gear set or even a belt drive?


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Timing chain limits Empty Re: Timing chain limits

Post  rmcomprandy April 3rd 2020, 11:21 am

EverySparePenny wrote:At what limit should I consider upgrading from a quality timing chain set up to say a milidon gear set or even a belt drive?

At the point of wherever you think that whatever you have now, breaks.
Otherwise there is no NEED, it is a matter of personal preference.


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Timing chain limits Empty Re: Timing chain limits

Post  Paul Kane April 3rd 2020, 7:05 pm

EverySparePenny wrote:At what limit should I consider upgrading from a quality timing chain set up to say a milidon gear set or even a belt drive?
I’ve known “quality timing chain sets” to manage 250 mph in the quarter mile, and it wouldn’t surprise me to learn they have surpassed 300 mph.  Also each has attributes which may make one type better suited over another for a for given application and/or need, so it isn’t necessarily a level of power handling that dictates final selection.
Paul Kane
Paul Kane

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