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head gasket question

57ford custom
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head gasket question Empty head gasket question

Post  57ford custom April 29th 2020, 8:19 pm

I am going to put together a 547 in the next couple of days and I have a used set of Cometic head gaskets and wonder if I should spray a light coat of copper coat on the gasket or use as is? The block surface has been machined and the P51heads are very fresh and the pistons are flat tops so it should have 14 to 1 as I think the heads are 73cc if I am not mistaken. These heads have been worked over and the intakes and exhausts flow VERY VERY good. Laughing
57ford custom
57ford custom

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head gasket question Empty Re: head gasket question

Post  Curt April 29th 2020, 8:37 pm

If it's good enough to reuse, you should install it the same way you did the first time.... Clean & Dry. But I would suggest a new set of gaskets.

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head gasket question Empty Re: head gasket question

Post  BigDave65 April 30th 2020, 3:10 pm

I've reused them with copper coat and with nothing but a good cleaning. I'll probably never spray copper coat again.

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head gasket question Empty Re: head gasket question

Post  lvhdude June 29th 2020, 11:38 am

Why would you re-use a head gasket? Am I missing something? Are the Cometic gaskets intended to be used multiple times?


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head gasket question Empty Re: head gasket question

Post  airford1 June 29th 2020, 12:13 pm

lvhdude wrote:Why would you re-use a head gasket? Am I missing something? Are the Cometic gaskets intended to be used multiple times?

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head gasket question Empty Re: head gasket question

Post  cool40 July 4th 2020, 12:48 am

I’ve reused them as many as 3 times. I’ve used copper coat but have had good luck just painting them with rustoleum grill paint

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head gasket question Empty Re: head gasket question

Post  rmcomprandy July 4th 2020, 11:03 am

A lot will usually depend upon whether they are being used with a pressurized cooling system or not.


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