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351C solid roller lifters

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351C solid roller lifters Empty 351C solid roller lifters

Post  torino501 September 5th 2020, 1:09 pm

I thought id post this here to get some traction. looking for opinions on a decent solid roller for the street. the cam is a standard base circle steel cam. ive searched all over the internet till my head hurts about the lifter allowing to much oil to the rockers or the oil band comes out of the lifter bore and you loose oil pressure. this is going to be a tight lash about 150-160 psi on the seat. all done at 6500 rpm. the engine im using is a 351c had 30 psi of oil press at idle hot and 60 psi at 3k rpm with a high volume oil pump. seems all the articles for solid lifter or hydraulic roller lifters are before 2014? nothing recent...


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351C solid roller lifters Empty Re: 351C solid roller lifters

Post  rmcomprandy September 5th 2020, 3:24 pm

torino501 wrote:I thought id post this here to get some traction. looking for opinions on a decent solid roller for the street. the cam is a standard base circle steel cam. ive searched all over the internet till my head hurts about the lifter allowing to much oil to the rockers or the oil band comes out of the lifter bore and you loose oil pressure. this is going to be a tight lash about 150-160 psi on the seat. all done at 6500 rpm. the engine im using is a 351c had 30 psi of oil press at idle hot and 60 psi at 3k rpm with a high volume oil pump. seems all the articles for solid lifter or hydraulic roller lifters are before 2014? nothing recent...

I have used the Comp Cams #840-16 many times without an issue.
They do need to be inspected after every couple years.
Comp used to crack check & rebuild them and fix whatever they would need but, I don't think they do that anymore.

"Windsor" lifters don't work.


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351C solid roller lifters Empty Re: 351C solid roller lifters

Post  torino501 September 5th 2020, 8:14 pm

the consensus is from what ive read is to take a cleveland and bush the lifter bores and drill the bushings for oil restriction. this is a 2v 2 bolt block that has had a easy life. i doubt the bores are in bad shape. and i realy dont want to bush the bores. do the comp 840's restrict oil to the rockers? or is there something that does? i am willing to install the moroso main restrictors. and even the TMYER cam bearings. this is not a race car.


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351C solid roller lifters Empty Re: 351C solid roller lifters

Post  rmcomprandy September 6th 2020, 2:48 pm

torino501 wrote:the consensus is from what ive read is to take a cleveland and bush the lifter bores and drill the bushings for oil restriction. this is a 2v 2 bolt block that has had a easy life. i doubt the bores are in bad shape. and i realy dont want to bush the bores. do the comp 840's restrict oil to the rockers? or is there something that does? i am willing to install the moroso main restrictors. and even the TMYER cam bearings. this is not a race car.

Those lifters allow just the right amount of oil to the top ... lifters meant for the Windsor will flood the top end.


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Location : Roseville, Michigan

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351C solid roller lifters Empty Re: 351C solid roller lifters

Post  torino501 September 6th 2020, 10:06 pm

thank you sir. thats what i needed to know.


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351C solid roller lifters Empty Re: 351C solid roller lifters

Post  Falcon67 September 16th 2020, 10:42 am

I run Howards pressure fed solid rollers in the dragster 393C, stock block. They fit the bore so close I had to notch the band to oil port to get a lot of oil up into the rockers. I regularly send those to 7000~7200. Should be loafing at 6500. No lifter bore bushing, etc. Cam is custom grind Comp, just under .700 lift.


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351C solid roller lifters Empty Re: 351C solid roller lifters

Post  torino501 September 16th 2020, 10:47 pm

Falcon,Aren’t those Howard’s made by morel? What made you choose them over say comp, crane, crower ect.. I’m pretty sure with the spring pressure I’m planning on running any of them would work. Did you restrict the cam feed holes or anything?


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351C solid roller lifters Empty Re: 351C solid roller lifters

Post  Falcon67 September 17th 2020, 2:21 pm

AFAIK, yes I think Morel is the OEM. I've been running Howards hydros in a 351C, so just went with the pressure oil solid roller. There were priced well through my Pro Shop account at Summit. This was a race use D2AE block, using the Moroso restrictors in the main saddles. Nicking the lifters got a lot of oil up top, don't do it unless required and then you may need restrictor pushrods. I was getting almost nothing up top so had to modify slightly. I don't care if I have a quart in each cover, I'm only at it for less than 5 1/2 seconds. I will put in restrictor pushrods when I get around to putting a new engine in the car - block split cylinder 5 last race. Already has one sleeve, not worth putting in another IMHO.


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