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Crower 1.75 bbf stainless rockers

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Crower 1.75 bbf stainless rockers Empty Crower 1.75 bbf stainless rockers

Post  2 wicked December 13th 2020, 8:08 pm

Hey all, was looking at the Crower stainless rockers. The info I have found they will clear 1.560 springs, we have 1.625 springs pac1224. Heads are 360 cc TFS a460. I'm not a comp cams fan but if I have to I will get their ultra XD rockers. Just wondering if anyone has run the crowers with the bigger springs. Just don't want get them And have to send them back. Thanks cory

2 wicked

Posts : 211
Join date : 2019-01-02

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Crower 1.75 bbf stainless rockers Empty Re: Crower 1.75 bbf stainless rockers

Post  cool40 December 14th 2020, 12:30 am

I’ve ran them with that exact same spring with no problems. I have ww shaft rockers now and don’t plan to go back to a stud type.

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Crower 1.75 bbf stainless rockers Empty Re: Crower 1.75 bbf stainless rockers

Post  J.Toney December 14th 2020, 8:37 am

Ran these on a set of OTB 340's recently, 1.640" spring. Unsure of what PN spring, someone here will know what number is normally equipped on them.
Zero clearance problems.

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Crower 1.75 bbf stainless rockers Empty Re: Crower 1.75 bbf stainless rockers

Post  2 wicked December 14th 2020, 12:43 pm

Thanks guys, figured they would work, seen a couple pics in some threads and looked like they cleared. Guess I will order a set in a couple weeks. Thanks cory

2 wicked

Posts : 211
Join date : 2019-01-02

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Crower 1.75 bbf stainless rockers Empty Re: Crower 1.75 bbf stainless rockers

Post  Lem Evans December 14th 2020, 12:49 pm

Will work with 1.640" springs.

Lem Evans

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