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521-532 pistons

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521-532 pistons Empty 521-532 pistons

Post  Green 72 February 16th 2021, 2:55 pm

ISO 521-532 flat top pistons for 6.605 rods.

Green 72

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Join date : 2015-12-06

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521-532 pistons Empty Re: 521-532 pistons

Post  gt350hr February 19th 2021, 12:00 pm

Try Mark Oneal


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521-532 pistons Empty Re: 521-532 pistons

Post  wickettoby1 February 19th 2021, 4:04 pm it possible to get to 521 or 532 with a stock block and a 6.605 rod? What would the piston compression height have to be? 🤔


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521-532 pistons Empty Re: 521-532 pistons

Post  Mark Miller February 21st 2021, 12:34 am

wickettoby1 it possible to get to 521 or 532 with a stock block and a 6.605 rod? What would the piston compression height have to be? 🤔

The old 2003 Ford Racing Catalog had a 521 Stroker Kit .030 over TRW Dished Pistons not sure what the compression height was with a 4.3" Stroke that used Eagle H-Beam 6.605" rods!!

Mark Miller

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521-532 pistons Empty Re: 521-532 pistons

Post  wickettoby1 February 21st 2021, 12:58 am

Are there any current crankshaft offerings (without having a custom one whittled) that use a larger than stock stroke with a 2.5" rod journal? It seems like all of the stroker cranks out there use the 2.2" BBC rod journal.


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521-532 pistons Empty Re: 521-532 pistons

Post  gt350hr February 22nd 2021, 12:35 pm

Scat , Eagle , RPM International , SG ( Star Galaxie) and others make the 4.3 stroke with stock 460 journals. Scat supplied Ford with theirs.


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521-532 pistons Empty Re: 521-532 pistons

Post  Green 72 February 22nd 2021, 4:27 pm

My crank is a Scat with 2.5 rod journals. Ordered new pistons today,now everybody will probly have some.

Green 72

Posts : 41
Join date : 2015-12-06

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521-532 pistons Empty Re: 521-532 pistons

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