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Plenum work on AFRS intake

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Plenum work on AFRS intake Empty Plenum work on AFRS intake

Post  manofmerc September 25th 2024, 4:38 am

Anyone worked on an AFR intake plenum I saw on the other forum the mad porter did says it is the corners right above the throttle blades .With all those vanes I dont see how any air goes through that intake .Looking straight down the four holes taper about .080 .090 .Top to bottom it has a clover leaf as well .And at the port exit going into the head there is a ledge as well thinking of removing that and doing a port match .Just not knowledgeable about much plenum work .To me it seems with all those vanes you lose flow but what do I know that is why I am asking .Thinking about bringing my afr 460 back from the dead .The heads flowed 319 @ .400 and 346@ .600 this is the 270 version and they poured 273 cc .Thanks Doug afro


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