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Exhaust gaskets that fit SR71 heads?

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Exhaust gaskets that fit SR71 heads? Empty Exhaust gaskets that fit SR71 heads?

Post  AndyF November 9th 2024, 5:29 pm

I've tried a few different exhaust gaskets and so far I can't find anything that fits the SR71 heads. Everything I've tried so far has ports which are smaller than the heads. I can trim them if I have to, but I'd rather buy a set that actually fits. I looked at the specs for every exhaust gasket on the Summit site and none of them are large enough. Anyone have a part number that fits without trimming?


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Join date : 2024-01-30

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Exhaust gaskets that fit SR71 heads? Empty Re: Exhaust gaskets that fit SR71 heads?

Post  norm November 9th 2024, 9:12 pm

Ultra gray RTV

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Exhaust gaskets that fit SR71 heads? Empty Re: Exhaust gaskets that fit SR71 heads?

Post  rmcomprandy November 10th 2024, 11:20 am

AndyF wrote:I've tried a few different exhaust gaskets and so far I can't find anything that fits the SR71 heads. Everything I've tried so far has ports which are smaller than the heads. I can trim them if I have to, but I'd rather buy a set that actually fits. I looked at the specs for every exhaust gasket on the Summit site and none of them are large enough. Anyone have a part number that fits without trimming?

Be sure to use Cobra Jet gaskets, not regular size gaskets.
Whatever company manufactured the headers should have gaskets for them.


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Exhaust gaskets that fit SR71 heads? Empty Re: Exhaust gaskets that fit SR71 heads?

Post  AndyF November 10th 2024, 3:19 pm

The dyno headers came from Schoenfeld and the gaskets that came with them are CJ gaskets, but they overhang into the exhaust port quite a bit.


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Exhaust gaskets that fit SR71 heads? Empty Re: Exhaust gaskets that fit SR71 heads?

Post  Dave De November 10th 2024, 10:26 pm

Ive used these on P-51's and SR-71's. Very little trimming to fit. They are re-usable.
Dave De
Dave De

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Exhaust gaskets that fit SR71 heads? Empty Re: Exhaust gaskets that fit SR71 heads?

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