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Correct size for timing gear journal on 460 crankshaft?

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Correct size for timing gear journal on 460 crankshaft? Empty Correct size for timing gear journal on 460 crankshaft?

Post  AndyF November 19th 2024, 3:51 pm

I just received a 4.500 stroke crankshaft and the lower timing gear from my Danny Bee belt drive will not go on. I talked to Danny Bee and they said the journal size should be 1.3795. The crank journal measures 1.3815 which is 0.002 over. I measured a factory 460 crank which I had sitting here and it measures 1.379 which seems to confirm the Danny Bee number.
Anyone know what the factory spec is for the timing gear journal? Is this a common problem with aftermarket crankshafts? I haven't run into this issue before with other engines.


Posts : 49
Join date : 2024-01-30

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Correct size for timing gear journal on 460 crankshaft? Empty Re: Correct size for timing gear journal on 460 crankshaft?

Post  rmcomprandy November 19th 2024, 5:04 pm

AndyF wrote:I just received a 4.500 stroke crankshaft and the lower timing gear from my Danny Bee belt drive will not go on. I talked to Danny Bee and they said the journal size should be 1.3795. The crank journal measures 1.3815 which is 0.002 over. I measured a factory 460 crank which I had sitting here and it measures 1.379 which seems to confirm the Danny Bee number.
Anyone know what the factory spec is for the timing gear journal? Is this a common problem with aftermarket crankshafts? I haven't run into this issue before with other engines.

It happens with a lot of aftermarket crankshafts of all brands ... honing dampers for a correct press fit becomes necessary.


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Correct size for timing gear journal on 460 crankshaft? Empty Re: Correct size for timing gear journal on 460 crankshaft?

Post  AndyF November 19th 2024, 6:13 pm

I'm used to honing dampers but this is the step for the timing chain gear. Those usually slide or tap on. In this case it is a 0.002 press fit which isn't going to work.


Posts : 49
Join date : 2024-01-30

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Correct size for timing gear journal on 460 crankshaft? Empty Re: Correct size for timing gear journal on 460 crankshaft?

Post  BOSS 429 November 21st 2024, 2:09 am

AndyF wrote:I'm used to honing dampers but this is the step for the timing chain gear. Those usually slide or tap on. In this case it is a 0.002 press fit which isn't going to work.

BEFORE YOU do anything check where the lower gear rides,incase its correct, you might just need to clean up outer end of crank.
BOSS 429
BOSS 429

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Correct size for timing gear journal on 460 crankshaft? Empty Re: Correct size for timing gear journal on 460 crankshaft?

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