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Anyone going to Vegas for SCSN

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Anyone going to Vegas for SCSN Empty Anyone going to Vegas for SCSN

Post  mico November 9th 2010, 9:31 pm

Im taking my car to run a couple of the "filler" classes. If anyone from here is going look me up in the pits it would be nice to meet some of you. I have a blue and black 64 Fairlane and will be pitted with a primed 69 Mustang, Colorado plates on the trailers.


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Join date : 2009-08-08

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Anyone going to Vegas for SCSN Empty Re: Anyone going to Vegas for SCSN

Post  DFI429 November 9th 2010, 10:13 pm

A bunch of our guys are out there across the highway at Nellis for the next two weeks...but I didn't get on the trip... otherwise I'd be out there for sure! Sad

Would've been mighty convenient for the Nationals... Our guys flew out Friday Mad Suspect Evil or Very Mad

Oh, well. I'm hoping to bring Dad & little Bro out to the Nationals (fall) in Vegas next year, as neither has seen the pro cars ever, and neither has been out there.. Very Happy bounce

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Join date : 2009-08-17
Age : 47
Location : Westfield, MA

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