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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight?

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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight?

Post  Ed501 November 19th 2010, 9:13 pm

Friend welded a differant c4 early drum up in the peanut holes for me and was planning on welding the input to it and try my luck once more. My main concern was if i got shaft any off center and taking out the stator Bushing. I am going to get a old pump/stator and stick the drum on it and see if that helps by holding it down square to the drum and see how much play there is that way. Its pretty tight in drum now but can anlge a degree or 2. I beleive it being long it would have to be near perfect. I am also going to preheat the shaft to take out even move clearance, hopefully making a temporary press fit. Could yo maybe lock tight it and check for straightness then weld or would the loctite come out once used and get in everthing?? Boy i am trying to LIC this drum problem Razz


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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Re: Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight?

Post  richter69 November 19th 2010, 9:56 pm

your making it too hard man.............

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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Re: Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight?

Post  whatbumper November 19th 2010, 10:11 pm

the only way to fix the drum problem is to re-design the transmission.


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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Whats easy?

Post  Ed501 November 19th 2010, 10:19 pm

I guess if it wasnt for perseverance I wouldnt be here.


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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Whats easy?

Post  Ed501 November 19th 2010, 10:20 pm

I guess if it wasnt for perseverance I wouldnt be here.


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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Re: Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight?

Post  richter69 November 19th 2010, 10:23 pm

I ran a brazed drum and vasco input for many years behind my BB, that stuff is still going strong behind my sbf.

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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Next choice

Post  Ed501 November 19th 2010, 11:18 pm

That would be a good alternative and the next one if this fails. I talked to several guys on the bullet running welded ones in the 8 second range and And LUPOS trans shop said hes got one welded in the high 7 seconds with the same drum and shaft all welded. My friend wanted to try welding it better and not just fill it in. Since it doesnt cost anything it worth a shot. I wanted to loosen high clearance up some anyway so this last brake wasnt a all bad thing ,and its winter LOL. I hate pulling them but enjoy working/learning on them. Idea


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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Re: Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight?

Post  richter69 November 20th 2010, 12:02 pm

"one" and "several" gettin by with it....... I will be willing to bet they aint BB Fords lol. Point is ghere will always be one out of a tbousand that can get be with what the other 999 cant. You should not be having these isses...... And about 200 bucks worth of pieces can solve it. Ultimately you'll end up loosing the C4 battle, and if you ever upgrade the power your gonna multiply the woes with the c4 program.


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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Frank Lupo builds hundreds this way

Post  Ed501 November 21st 2010, 2:27 am

I appreciate you trying to help. And yes you are right especially with your car and anyone who bracket races or If you have the money to slap down and not look back. I am only trying to line the car out and have a little fun which i have been doing and can show by my ET improvement. I beleive the smaller tire/sidewall might be why third is having a harder time living as well as it being a bigblock. I have already found a stock powerglide and working on a converter from a friend.That about a 1/4 of cost i figured. If i want to play any next year the c4 will have to do. I was told i couldnt run pump gas over 12/1 and drive this on street and so on and i didnt take it to heart then and glad i didnt. As long as i can throw it back together with stock parts it got almost nothing. Goodluck with your build/car I see you got it flying . Smile


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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Re: Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight?

Post  Gregaust November 21st 2010, 5:09 pm

Ed not sure if i mentioned before what about a steel press on sleeve ?? I've not tried this but guys on FordMuscle have had good luck. Here's 2 different versions

Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? C4pressonsteelsleeve

Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? FWDdrumsteelsleeveclevelandstyle


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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty drum

Post  Ed501 November 21st 2010, 7:11 pm

Thanks Gegaust, I am going to try the bronse filled Next time. I talked to Tci and they said its only good for 600hp? My FRiend /Mechanic is a ACE and thinks welding worth a shot and wanted to do it for free. For what its worth when i replace the drum with a bought one i wanted to buy a differant shaft anyway. If this dont work I bet i will save atleast one person the trouble since there is some debate for sure.


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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Re: Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight?

Post  Ed501 November 21st 2010, 7:13 pm


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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Sleeve

Post  colormebad December 2nd 2010, 1:37 pm

I know some guys making way more than 600 with that sleeve...Not sure what the max is...My old 408 had the stock drum & was also making about 1000 with nos....
Here is the cure for that problem anyways....Its not real cheap but will save a person money in the long run if your making much power...I have never seen one crack in al my years but i know others have on some turbo cars...Im gona replace mine i guess with this one' Or another place has an aluminum one also...


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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty drums

Post  Ed501 December 2nd 2010, 2:49 pm

It seems Big Blocks have more trouble then others with breaking drums. Alot of mass rotating and more torque. When i figure the rest out (IF} then i might spend the money on a billet drum. Always liked these c4s but always been a smallblock guy with some spray occasionally 6.80s N/A


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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Re: Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight?

Post  colormebad December 2nd 2010, 10:33 pm

I have always been a true blue ford fan' and i dont down anyone for running a glide...But i just can't make myself do it...I live in the country in the stix' but i still dont crossbreed...LoL..I think with these few new mods the c4 has now' the little c4 should hold up to whatever u throw at it....I just finnished a 438 stroker / 13:5.1 compression/c4 fully roller--hardened shaft--6+6 clutches--rev manual v-body--pa servo cover--pa bell--steel sleeve in drum...I will be running 3 stages of nos...I will try it out the first of the year on 1 stage first..Onlything i do want to try is the gear set that has the higher 1st gear...


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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Re: Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight?

Post  richter69 December 2nd 2010, 11:26 pm

I fought the "glide is better" deal for years until I finally gave couldn't pay me to run a C4 again lol........... well not behind a stroker BB deal anyway.....that old C4 fits the bill behind our 306".

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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Re: Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight?

Post  56Tbird December 3rd 2010, 12:41 pm

I'm the same way...If I hadn't bought my Mustang with a glide in it...I would NEVER have put one behind a Ford engine...BUT I saw the light real quick.The only thing I'd trade mine for would be a Lenco or liberty 5 speed!!! cheers king

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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Re: Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight?

Post  bbf-falcon December 3rd 2010, 2:12 pm

Yea,Same here. I still love the C6,but if you want consistency ,build a GOOD glide,and I think you will like it.


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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Re: Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight?

Post  colormebad December 3rd 2010, 8:08 pm

If i was gona run a glide i would build a chevy...I build all my fords tuff' with all ford stuff... Cool


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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Re: Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight?

Post  whatbumper December 3rd 2010, 11:34 pm

colormebad wrote:If i was gona run a glide i would build a chevy...I build all my fords tuff' with all ford stuff... Cool

I don't run a Chevrolet Glide, I run an aftermarket two speed transmission. Laughing Nothing in it or about it is stock.


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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Re: Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight?

Post  richter69 December 3rd 2010, 11:45 pm

only chevy parts in mine are the case and front half of the pump...........and that will change soon lol.

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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Re: Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight?

Post  bbf-falcon December 4th 2010, 9:33 am

colormebad wrote:If i was gona run a glide i would build a chevy...I build all my fords tuff' with all ford stuff... Cool
I understand where your comin from,because I had the same attitude as you. I traded cars and the Falcon had a glide already in it so I thought I would try it. Like was said,the parts are all after market,none are GM.


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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Re: Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight?

Post  342g December 4th 2010, 7:47 pm

You do know ford designed the powerglide, sold it to chevrolet, so it will be O.K. to run one. Laughing

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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Re: Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight?

Post  colormebad December 4th 2010, 10:27 pm

I know thats a joke! Very Happy

The Powerglide is a two-speed automatic transmission designed by General Motors. It was available primarily on Chevrolet automobiles from 1950 through the early 1970s, although some Pontiac models also used this automatic transmission, extensively on models produced for the Canadian market with Chevrolet...


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Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight? Empty Re: Wonder how trany shops are welding input to drum and getting it perfectly straight?

Post  whatbumper December 4th 2010, 11:29 pm

colormebad wrote:I know thats a joke! Very Happy

The Powerglide is a two-speed automatic transmission designed by General Motors. It was available primarily on Chevrolet automobiles from 1950 through the early 1970s, although some Pontiac models also used this automatic transmission, extensively on models produced for the Canadian market with Chevrolet...

That looks like a Wikipedia quote.


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