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Heads D20E vs CJ aluminum

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Heads D20E vs CJ aluminum Empty Heads D20E vs CJ aluminum

Post  maxxoffroad December 8th 2010, 2:39 pm

OK I am building a 650-700 hp big block. Its going in a early bronco. My question is about the heads. I have a set of the D20E pi heads. I have been considering selling these to get a set of aluminum cj's. Really only reason is weight. But will the weight really make much difference on the front of this. I am moving the front axle up a couple inches. Also will have a d60 in the front. I am going to use this for crawling and the mud. Will be on 39.5's

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Heads D20E vs CJ aluminum Empty Re: Heads D20E vs CJ aluminum

Post  dfree383 December 8th 2010, 2:43 pm

if your talking about the current SCJ aluminum heads they will make a bunch more power than the PI heads, Smaller Combustion Chamber will get you a bunch more compression and they flow better out of the box.

The PI heads are one of the better factory Iron heads and if you have to run the due to rules they work fine.

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Heads D20E vs CJ aluminum Empty Re: Heads D20E vs CJ aluminum

Post  maxxoffroad December 8th 2010, 3:03 pm

No rules and yes I was talkking about SCJ's

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Heads D20E vs CJ aluminum Empty Re: Heads D20E vs CJ aluminum

Post  schmitty December 8th 2010, 6:17 pm

Depending on how you do the work on the D2OE's, you can have quite a bit of money in getting them to perform as well as the SCJ's out of the box. The SCJ's use a specific piston, so if you already have a shortblock, you will need to get new pistons or get your pistons renotched. My nod would go to the SCJ's for price and power potential. Cool

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Heads D20E vs CJ aluminum Empty Re: Heads D20E vs CJ aluminum

Post  maxxoffroad December 8th 2010, 6:22 pm

Yea think I will get a set have to sell my other stuff first though.

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Age : 52
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