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new never used trickflow a460 tunnel ram single carb top plate ....looking to trade

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new never used trickflow a460 tunnel ram single carb top plate ....looking to trade  Empty new never used trickflow a460 tunnel ram single carb top plate ....looking to trade

Post  5pointslow December 12th 2010, 1:13 pm

new trickflow a460 tunnel ram new never installed to use in x275 class due to having to use single carb on big block

price it out ...i know what its worth .........willing to trade for single carb a460 intake thats been ported good can be used

using fms a460 heads that have extensive port work

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Join date : 2009-10-11
Age : 36

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new never used trickflow a460 tunnel ram single carb top plate ....looking to trade  Empty tunnel ram intake

Post  davgjo January 22nd 2011, 6:13 pm

I have an old style A-460 single carb intake brand new,never used. It's not as tall as the new style and doen't have nitrious bosses on it. If interested e-mail me at Thanks!


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Join date : 2010-10-26

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