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P-51 Head's /Head Studs/pushrods (SOLD)

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P-51 Head's /Head Studs/pushrods (SOLD) Empty P-51 Head's /Head Studs/pushrods (SOLD)

Post  ROAD RAGE January 18th 2011, 12:26 pm

ALL SOLD.................

Last edited by ROAD RAGE on February 1st 2011, 12:49 am; edited 13 times in total

Posts : 229
Join date : 2008-12-18

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P-51 Head's /Head Studs/pushrods (SOLD) Empty Re: P-51 Head's /Head Studs/pushrods (SOLD)

Post  John G January 18th 2011, 10:41 pm

I can't help but to ask, why are you selling them?
John G
John G

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Location : Dallas TX

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P-51 Head's /Head Studs/pushrods (SOLD) Empty Re: P-51 Head's /Head Studs/pushrods (SOLD)

Post  ROAD RAGE January 18th 2011, 11:28 pm

Well i've been saving and putting money in this for about two years, (lots)
just lost my Mo-Jo, going to save the block and a few parts and build a street motor for the truck and just use-it for short trips and pulling the trailer, in other words, going to work the truck instead of truck pulling it in local pulls.
later Ed.

Posts : 229
Join date : 2008-12-18

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P-51 Head's /Head Studs/pushrods (SOLD) Empty Re

Post  HorsinAround January 19th 2011, 3:11 pm

I got a set of D0Oe-R's on my motor with Titanium intake valve's and a WHOLE lot of rubbing on them. Intakes are flowing above 410 now and the little 468 motor is making 800hp. I'd be interested in doing some trading. PM me to discuss and get my cell number.


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Location : North Central Indiana

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