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Looking for a 4150 flange "all in one" EFI unit that also does trans control....

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Looking for a 4150 flange "all in one" EFI unit that also does trans control.... Empty Looking for a 4150 flange "all in one" EFI unit that also does trans control....

Post  jbozzelle December 10th 2016, 12:14 pm

Anyone know of such a beast?

Looking to possibly replace the carb on my dad's 67 Cougar for better driveability, etc.  It's just a cruiser and currently has an AODE in it with a MSD Atomic Trans Controller.  

Is there an EFI unit out there that will replace the carb and also control the trans?  Just looking to not have two control boxes/heads stuffed under the dash, etc...


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Looking for a 4150 flange "all in one" EFI unit that also does trans control.... Empty Re: Looking for a 4150 flange "all in one" EFI unit that also does trans control....

Post  jasonf December 10th 2016, 2:21 pm

The Holley dominator controls some transmissions. On their website it has the usual GM stuff and says "more to come" so you might have to call them or check their forums. They have pretty fast response time usually (on the forum, phone is a gamble).

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Looking for a 4150 flange "all in one" EFI unit that also does trans control.... Empty Re: Looking for a 4150 flange "all in one" EFI unit that also does trans control....

Post  TommyK December 10th 2016, 3:54 pm

The MSD Atomic has an add on trans controller.


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Looking for a 4150 flange "all in one" EFI unit that also does trans control.... Empty Re: Looking for a 4150 flange "all in one" EFI unit that also does trans control....

Post  jbozzelle December 11th 2016, 1:28 pm

I don't see in the instructions how to "add on" the trans controller. We already have the Atomic trans controller in the car controlling the AOD-E. It works fine. I'm trying to reduce the number of control boxes and wires running through the car...


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Age : 50
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Looking for a 4150 flange "all in one" EFI unit that also does trans control.... Empty Re: Looking for a 4150 flange "all in one" EFI unit that also does trans control....

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