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BOSS 429
dr's wife racing
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pistons  Empty pistons

Post  dr's wife racing October 27th 2011, 7:34 pm

I bought these a while back.They were bought for weisco pistons for stock valve location heads to make a 521 30 over with a 6.8 rod and a 4.3 crank.They do not appear to be stock valve location I tried to look them up but could not come up with anything called weisco but was left on hold longer than I could stay on the phone at work Part # is 5038H3 they are flat tops.I would be thankful for any help Ward.
dr's wife racing
dr's wife racing

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pistons  Empty Re: pistons

Post  BOSS 429 October 27th 2011, 8:15 pm
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pistons  Empty Re: pistons

Post  dr's wife racing October 28th 2011, 9:35 am

For what ever reason I can't get either my work or home computer to open the file ????? I've tried numerious times.
dr's wife racing
dr's wife racing

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pistons  Empty Re: pistons

Post  the1969fordguyinky October 28th 2011, 3:15 pm

I opened it up and did a search for that PN. No such part in that catalog.

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pistons  Empty Re: pistons

Post  dr's wife racing October 28th 2011, 7:14 pm

Thanks I double checked the part # and it is correct.Any bodyelse hae any suggestions?
dr's wife racing
dr's wife racing

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pistons  Empty Pictures added

Post  dr's wife racing October 29th 2011, 10:14 am

The straight line is the center line over the wrist pin. The circle is a mark left by valve of what was supposed to be a standard CJ head. I think he may have had new type SCJ instead?

pistons  HPIM1196

dr's wife racing
dr's wife racing

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pistons  Empty Re: pistons

Post  QtrWarrior October 29th 2011, 11:34 am


I could be mistaken, but that almost looks like it could be a relief for the A460 heads.. confused

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pistons  Empty Re: pistons

Post  powerstrokeace October 29th 2011, 4:18 pm

dr's wife racing wrote:I bought these a while back.They were bought for weisco pistons for stock valve location heads to make a 521 30 over with a 6.8 rod and a 4.3 crank.They do not appear to be stock valve location I tried to look them up but could not come up with anything called weisco but was left on hold longer than I could stay on the phone at work Part # is 5038H3 they are flat tops.I would be thankful for any help Ward.

I'd call weisco direct and give them the number as it could be a custom piston. If its for the A heads I got a deal for you. Razz


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pistons  Empty Re: pistons

Post  c.evans October 30th 2011, 12:05 am

dr's wife racing wrote:The straight line is the center line over the wrist pin. The circle is a mark left by valve of what was supposed to be a standard CJ head. I think he may have had new type SCJ instead?

pistons  HPIM1196

If it looks like anything from a BB Ford, then I agree with Mikey and think it may be an A-460 piston. Maybe the guy selling them didn't know what he was talking about and was miscommunicating with the buyer. If whoever put the standard type OEM head on that piston, had used clay and mocked up, they would have easily seen that the valve relief was way off.



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pistons  Empty Re: pistons

Post  David Cole October 30th 2011, 12:17 am

I found an old post where Bruno sold a set with that exact part # and they were for his E-bok heads with std valve placement

Nick's pistons have extra flycut work, but it's the same. If you look close you can see the 5038H3
pistons  010-1-1
pistons  009-1

Ward, it looks like the valve ding mark in your pistons are in the exact same spot where Nick had the flycut deepened on his pistons. I think your prior owner just had to much lift or bad cam timing and had some p/v contact.

Edit: found a little more info.

I used the info from Bruno's old ad above and did a search. The 5038H3 was for a single piston from a kit with rings:

Looks to be not available any longer, so that's why it's not in the Wiseco catalog.
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pistons  Empty Re: pistons

Post  dr's wife racing November 1st 2011, 12:37 pm

Weisco finally answered my e mail They are for a 30 thou over bore 4.3 stroke crank and a 6.8 rod.for heads with a stock valve location.I think they missed?? They should be fine with a fly cut job. I'm not sure if I will will use them at this point or not,but at least I got them fairly cheap.They can always make cool ash trays.
dr's wife racing
dr's wife racing

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