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Center counter weights on crank...

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Center counter weights on crank... Empty Center counter weights on crank...

Post  138 November 19th 2011, 3:23 pm

vs. weights on just the ends... Why is there an option, and what are the advantages/disadvantages with these design options...


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Center counter weights on crank... Empty Re: Center counter weights on crank...

Post  jesse November 19th 2011, 3:46 pm

ccw is better at hight rpm's
i belive but i dont know alot

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Center counter weights on crank... Empty Re: Center counter weights on crank...

Post  rmcomprandy November 19th 2011, 5:19 pm

It all has to do with the amount reciprocating bob weight , how fast it is changing direction and the loading imposed upon the numbers 2 & 4 main bearings. RECIPROCATING forces will determine the actual need for center counter-weighting or not.


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Center counter weights on crank... Empty Center counterweight BBF crank

Post  bbfguy1 June 7th 2023, 6:55 pm

At what point in a build would one opt for a center counterweight crank in a BBF? What, if any, would be the determining factors.... HP number, stroke, RPM, specific bob weight #?  Eyeing a 632, C headed nitrous build and starting to source a crankshaft. Looking to be in 1800-2000 hp range. Callies Magnum, non center counterweight $3200. Bryant billet, center counter weight, Boss snout $4300. More than likely we will end up with the Bryant piece but curious as to what the experience here has to say on the subject.  Thanks in advance!


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Center counter weights on crank... Empty Re: Center counter weights on crank...

Post  rmcomprandy June 7th 2023, 10:51 pm

bbfguy1 wrote:At what point in a build would one opt for a center counterweight crank in a BBF? What, if any, would be the determining factors.... HP number, stroke, RPM, specific bob weight #?  Eyeing a 632, C headed nitrous build and starting to source a crankshaft. Looking to be in 1800-2000 hp range. Callies Magnum, non center counterweight $3200. Bryant billet, center counter weight, Boss snout $4300. More than likely we will end up with the Bryant piece but curious as to what the experience here has to say on the subject.  Thanks in advance!

The "lighter" crank will usually accelerate slightly faster unless the counter-weights are larger in diameter than a heavier crank with center counter-weights ... the loading on the #2 & #4 main bearing will tell whether they are needed or not. Unfortunately, the engine needs to run before you can actually know so, I would error on the safer side.

Unless, someone has experience with your exact combination and will tell you.


Posts : 6166
Join date : 2008-12-02
Location : Roseville, Michigan

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