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WTB: used aluminum sheet metal valve covers to fit the original AR/Motorsport A441 hemi heads

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WTB: used aluminum sheet metal valve covers to fit the original AR/Motorsport A441 hemi heads  Empty WTB: used aluminum sheet metal valve covers to fit the original AR/Motorsport A441 hemi heads

Post  rodfarva December 1st 2013, 4:31 am

Anyone have any used aluminum sheet metal valve covers to fit the original AR/Motorsport A441 hemi heads that they'd like to sell? If not, anyone know anybody that makes/sells them new?

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WTB: used aluminum sheet metal valve covers to fit the original AR/Motorsport A441 hemi heads  Empty Re: WTB: used aluminum sheet metal valve covers to fit the original AR/Motorsport A441 hemi heads

Post  QtrWarrior December 1st 2013, 8:32 am

I have a set... PM me

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WTB: used aluminum sheet metal valve covers to fit the original AR/Motorsport A441 hemi heads  Empty Re: WTB: used aluminum sheet metal valve covers to fit the original AR/Motorsport A441 hemi heads

Post  BOSS 429 December 4th 2013, 10:01 pm

moroso sells new
BOSS 429
BOSS 429

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WTB: used aluminum sheet metal valve covers to fit the original AR/Motorsport A441 hemi heads  Empty Re: WTB: used aluminum sheet metal valve covers to fit the original AR/Motorsport A441 hemi heads

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