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If your are into New Technoligy Look

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If your are into New Technoligy Look Empty If your are into New Technoligy Look

Post  supervel45 March 1st 2014, 5:11 am Interesting stuff if you have not checked it out. I imagine it will be used in automobiles some way to.


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If your are into New Technoligy Look Empty Re: If your are into New Technoligy Look

Post  supervel45 March 1st 2014, 5:25 am This ones really good, need to buy some stock, LoL


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If your are into New Technoligy Look Empty Re: If your are into New Technoligy Look

Post  supervel45 March 2nd 2014, 1:07 am Ford is working with it also.


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If your are into New Technoligy Look Empty Re: If your are into New Technoligy Look

Post  supervel45 March 2nd 2014, 1:08 am 2008 article that mentions Ford 2015 and weight reduction of fleet. They got it right on the money for the new F-150


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If your are into New Technoligy Look Empty Interesting

Post  747JetMech March 2nd 2014, 2:31 pm

I like to pick up my kids popular science when he isn't looking. Very interesting stuff...

I ran across this article from 2008. It got me thinking about what the future will be for Americas kids. If this article is true, then the only thing keeping most of the kids in our country employed is immigration laws, slowing the flow of these honor kids. If there are more honor students in India than the United States, our kids don't have a chance as more of them are allowed to migrate into our country. India is not the only country like that. China is also a big player.
So after our country is inundated with honor kids from other countries, what jobs will be left for our children? Low paying, hard work? They will be competing with our neighbors from the south for these jobs.

This doesn't happen over night. Slow changes until one day you wake up and your kid comes home to move back in with you. Can't find a job.

So what the answer? Keep the smart kids away? Not going to happen. Keep the illegals out to protect the low paying or manual labor jobs? Not going to happen.


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If your are into New Technoligy Look Empty Re: If your are into New Technoligy Look

Post  supervel45 March 2nd 2014, 5:50 pm

I hear you. Looks like we are pretty screwed. Maybe if we get back to the basic's of what made America great, it will turn around, but we better get busy fast. With the technologies coming out, who knows what the future holds. Robots can't do everthing, but the push is on to make them try. The key will be how we use it, and who controls it, as it always has been. Nano Tech has been around awhile, and alot of money is being spent on it. Nobody is saying, or is aware to what it can be used for when it is fully developed. It looks like it has alot of good uses, as all techonology does, for now. I did not know Ford was a major player, until I looked into it more, as well as Boeing. I think as a parent myself, we better keep the kids nose's in their school books, and off the vedio games, and other BS, or the foreigners, are going to roll over us soon, in the Global Economy. They may allready have some lobbists here helping them do it, LoL.


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If your are into New Technoligy Look Empty Re: If your are into New Technoligy Look

Post  supervel45 December 20th 2022, 12:35 pm

It's come a long way. The below links are 2007 and 2021. In the last link, in the footnotes, it has many other good references to the technology (with automatic links) if anyone is interested.

And this one from the Vac. Thread.


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If your are into New Technoligy Look Empty Re: If your are into New Technoligy Look

Post  supervel45 April 18th 2023, 6:42 pm

It's a Brave New World. This will not be easy to defend against, and can be used for many nefarious purposes.

It sounds like they need to figure out how to Fire AI if and when it mess's up too badly, first. Wink

Last edited by supervel45 on April 18th 2023, 7:28 pm; edited 1 time in total


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If your are into New Technoligy Look Empty Re: If your are into New Technoligy Look

Post  John Myrick April 18th 2023, 7:23 pm

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If your are into New Technoligy Look Empty Re: If your are into New Technoligy Look

Post  supervel45 April 18th 2023, 7:30 pm

It's headed that way. Evil or Very Mad

Reminds me of Demolition Man. Wink

I guess nobody figured out this could be a 7/24/365 remote Lie Detector?

Last edited by supervel45 on April 18th 2023, 7:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


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If your are into New Technoligy Look Empty Re: If your are into New Technoligy Look

Post  John Myrick April 18th 2023, 7:32 pm

Ai will create their own language and then lock humans out and then we are fucked !!

People shouldn't play God
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John Myrick

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If your are into New Technoligy Look Empty Re: If your are into New Technoligy Look

Post  supervel45 April 18th 2023, 7:35 pm

^Every time I see some of this stuff it reminds me of the Tower of Babul. Remember how that worked out?


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If your are into New Technoligy Look Empty Re: If your are into New Technoligy Look

Post  supervel45 April 20th 2023, 6:57 am

John Myrick wrote:SkyNet

Is that linked with this?

It was an interesting read.


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If your are into New Technoligy Look Empty Re: If your are into New Technoligy Look

Post  supervel45 May 26th 2023, 4:55 am

The further I go down this rabbit hole, the more I find our Institutions of Higher Learning and the Tech Giants are into Eugenics  and Immortality. The 2020 Covid and 2021 Vacine research brought it to the forefront, at least for myself.



^ The Above Article, Although Long is the Most Excellent I have Read on this Subject and Legalities and what has Transpired (No Pun) Since. It would be worth anyone's time to read if they are trying to figure out what the Hell is going on and how it is linked, and Where This is Headed!


^ Page 39 and 40 should be in the Sapiens Thread. They actually had a Phrase for it back then. What They Plan to Call the New Human Species, That Is. I would say those Two Pages are a Must Read on the Subject!!!

^That was also written by the founder of Sirius Radio and the highest paid CEO in America at the time, I believe.

I would Highly Suggest you read the wikipedia link and see what Else is Involved. It's an Eye Opener.

The Original book came out in 1995, the above is a 2011 reprint under a new tittle that was Up Dated as Their Plans Advanced.

^Also Note Pages 133 and 134 and The Finale on Page 137 and Keep in Mind the POWERFUL DRUGS being INTRODUCED into the COCTAIL NOW!

The Biggest Link that seems to tie all of this together is Silicone Valley. All I know is "Brave New World" and Huxley comes up in the above links and many other times around this "stuff".

^ I did not know George Orwell (1984) was one of his students until now. Interesting.

PS: The 14th Amendment is also brought up in the discussion in the above Links of the "Subject".


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If your are into New Technoligy Look Empty Re: If your are into New Technoligy Look

Post  supervel45 June 13th 2023, 4:18 pm

John Myrick wrote:Ai will create their own language and then lock humans out and then we are fucked !!

People shouldn't play God

They are just letting it all hang out in this link. It's about the New EU Proposed AI Heath Care Systems. Actual page 10 Electric Page 26 Section 2.2.11. That's just the most Glaring Example. Crying or Very sad

They Also Talk about the AI needing it's Own AI Digital Pass Ports so SomeThing/SomeOne can Watch/Track It. LoL.

^By By 1st Amendment if that Comes. The Sheep are Fat Now and Full of Wool.


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If your are into New Technoligy Look Empty Re: If your are into New Technoligy Look

Post  supervel45 June 19th 2023, 1:37 pm

A new type of Synthetic Biology is called "Organoid". The Intelligence is called Organoid Intelligence or OI.

It is a New form of Human Based Computer, and the current public experiment is called "DishBrain."

The first public articles appeared in 2021 and for some reason again in December of 2022.

It is also being used for drug trials. I would suspect CRISPR, CAS9 and mRNA are of great interest and at the head of the class, Though it is never brought up.

Below is one of the Older Articles that I could find after a short search.

After the First Article in the above Link, are a few more good Articles on some of the related subjects, such as Gene Editing.

It does not get much more Nano than this, until they start self Replicating Themselves Smaller, if they have not Already.


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If your are into New Technoligy Look Empty Re: If your are into New Technoligy Look

Post  supervel45 July 2nd 2023, 5:09 pm

Yea. This ought to go over well?

And Dumbed Down Young People that can't read or think past 144 characters.

And Again Vietnam and Nano Always Come Up. Just Odd Huh.


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If your are into New Technoligy Look Empty Re: If your are into New Technoligy Look

Post  supervel45 July 22nd 2023, 1:30 am

Unfortunently He is Probably Correct. If You are an Older Guy/Gal Don't Think You Will Escape it Either Unless you don't Plan on Living much longer, as in less then a Decade. Time Will Tell!

Also TPTB are not likely to have your Best Interests in Mind even if You "Think" The Idea Sounds "Lovely".

Don't Believe Me study More on the Subject/Subjects Yourself from All Avenues, Not Just Right or Left, But, Up and Down from Center and All Around. Don't Disregard Either Religious or Secular Thought Either in Your Quest for Knowledge as They Overlap More Then Most Would "Assume" on Many "Things".


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If your are into New Technoligy Look Empty Re: If your are into New Technoligy Look

Post  BBFTorino July 22nd 2023, 3:25 pm

The vast majority of all this emerging technology, will be used to enslave all of humanity eventually.


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If your are into New Technoligy Look Empty Re: If your are into New Technoligy Look

Post  supervel45 July 24th 2023, 2:25 am

^The 3 Major World Religions that came from the Holy Garden of Eden Agree to a Certain Extent.

They all mostly share a version of the Old Testiment of the Bible.

Quite a bit of the Old Testiment is also spoken about in the New Testiment, and Visa Versa {What is To Come to Pass}, as well as the Last Book of The Bible, as being a Foregone Conclusion.

So I agree you would be Correct at Some Point of the Worlds History.

When That Comes to Pass it will be Very Short Lived, Under Satan's Full Control, and Then a Millennium Under the Lord's Rule. At The END of That, Will Be The Start of a NEW BEGINNING, and a New Heaven and Earth Will be Created. According to Prophecy.

With that said and out of the way, Lies the Big Problem Now, for Religious People as well as Non Religious People of the World, In My Opinion.

As I see the Problem What if This is NOT That Point in The World's History?

What if all of this is a  Ambitious Vehicle for Something Else or Possibly Both as Well as and/or/also a Grand Theft?

Great/Grand Schemes Have Many Facets and Objectives.

Either Way it Will be Short Lived and When it Fails,____________ It Also Will be A Spectacular Failure!

Even Some of Our Fore/Founding Fathers that were referred to as Deitists, IE not of the conventional church of the time, or not Religious at all, Were Very Aware of Natural Law, and The Laws of Mother Nature, as Well as Human Nature, and Knew This Type Thinking is The Folly of Fools and Destroyed Many Empires Before Them!

With All That Said, I Wish I Did Not Say "Probably" about The Quack in the Last Link Above.

I Think These People Drink Too Much of Their Own Cool Aide and Take Too Many of Their Own Designer Drugs and Have Lost Their Minds the More They Talk.


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