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P-51 push rod length- help really dumb question

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P-51 push rod length- help really dumb question Empty P-51 push rod length- help really dumb question

Post  512Fairlane April 19th 2015, 1:14 pm

I have a really dumb question but I'm going to ask it anyway because I'm old and forgetful. I have P-51 heads and I run 9.100" and 9.300" push rods. Well I mixed them up the other night and I don't remember which ones are exhaust and which are intake. I think my intakes are the 9.100" and the exhaust is 9.300" but can anyone back me up on that? Are the intakes typically shorter? Thanks.

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P-51 push rod length- help really dumb question Empty Re: P-51 push rod length- help really dumb question

Post  68galaxie April 19th 2015, 1:21 pm

Long ones on the exhaust.

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P-51 push rod length- help really dumb question Empty Re: P-51 push rod length- help really dumb question

Post  512Fairlane April 19th 2015, 1:51 pm

Thanks that's what I had in my notes but I didn't trust myself.  

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P-51 push rod length- help really dumb question Empty Re: P-51 push rod length- help really dumb question

Post  bbf-falcon April 19th 2015, 2:24 pm

You would have known as soon as you rolled the engine over and watched the roller on the valve tips. Very Happy There's never a dumb ? when unsure about anything. Wink


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P-51 push rod length- help really dumb question Empty Re: P-51 push rod length- help really dumb question

Post  IDT-572 April 20th 2015, 12:11 pm

The exhaust is the farthest from the lifters also. You can see if you look, it needs to be the longest. You wont notice it until you make a point to look at it.

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