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Caltrac bars question

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Caltrac bars question Empty Caltrac bars question

Post  mustang68mustangs1 May 3rd 2015, 7:32 pm

I installed my new caltrac bars today. The question i have is when i tighten down the bolts for the heim joints, should i tighten them to where the plates contact the sides of the heim or is a little side to side play ok? I was just worried about excess noise around turns on the street. I didnt want to bend the plates at all. Thanks


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Caltrac bars question Empty Re: Caltrac bars question

Post  gmsmkr May 3rd 2015, 10:37 pm

"Dirt_worker" on here has alot of time dealing with cal tracks I would shoot him a pm if he doesn't respond here

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Caltrac bars question Empty Re: Caltrac bars question

Post  whatbumper May 4th 2015, 9:42 pm

Some we get the heim will barely fit. Others we run a washer or something to take up the space. We run them contacted but not to where you have to bend the plates.


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