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T Mobile coverage

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T Mobile coverage Empty T Mobile coverage

Post  hienergy557 September 20th 2015, 11:01 pm

What is the T Mobile phone and data coverage like? Especially around the Dallas and Oklahoma City area.

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T Mobile coverage Empty Re: T Mobile coverage

Post  Curt September 21st 2015, 1:13 pm

hienergy557 wrote:What is the T Mobile phone and data coverage like? Especially around the Dallas and Oklahoma City area.

I can't tell you about the T Mobile coverage, but I travel all over the United States and there isn't any better coverage than Verizon.

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T Mobile coverage Empty Re: T Mobile coverage

Post  hienergy557 September 21st 2015, 5:48 pm

Thanks for the reply but no help there.
From what I gather, AT&T and T Mobile use the GSM band. Verizon uses CDMA. Our phones (Australia) are GSM so we can put a AT&T or T Mobile sim card in and away we go.
Some of the Mobile phone players here are not bad around the major towns but as soon as you move away, coverage is sketchy. Is T Mobile the same?

In about two weeks, me and a mate are flying in to Dallas. Travelling to Noble OK the first weekend for the divisional race, then back to Dallas Motorplex, for the Fall Nationals.
He's racing Super Gas. Im just along for the ride.
Cheers Colin

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Age : 62
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T Mobile coverage Empty Re: T Mobile coverage

Post  69F100 September 21st 2015, 6:42 pm

You could always stop at Wal-Mart and pick up a prepaid phone for not much money and use while you are here in the US

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T Mobile coverage Empty Re: T Mobile coverage

Post  jasonf September 21st 2015, 7:48 pm

Most cheaper companies tend to only work well in big cities. The first phone I ever had was Sprint and it just dropped off ten miles out of town. Verizon and AT&T have the best overall coverage around the US. I would look at AT&T if possible. If you don't plan on leaving the city then T mobile may be just fine.

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