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Health scare

dr's wife racing
Mike R
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Health scare Empty Health scare

Post  Mike R November 5th 2015, 3:51 pm

I had been finding myself short of breath recently but wasn't overly concerned with it, thought I was getting bronchitis again. On Saturday morning I couldn't make it up the stairs and after finally making it to the bedroom I fell on the bed and was afraid I was dying. I went into the Urgent Care and they sent me to the Emergency Room. They ran a bunch of tests and I was admitted with multiple blood clots in my lungs. I had a clot in my left leg in 2012 and had been on blood thinners until this past July when the Doctor stopped them and put me on an aspirin a day. I guess that wasn't enough, I'm going to be on blood thinners for the rest of my life now.

Mike R

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Post  Curt November 5th 2015, 4:22 pm

Yikes!! Stay healthy my friend.

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Post  dr's wife racing November 5th 2015, 5:16 pm

That is some scary stuff right there. Ask them to evaluate you for a clotting disorder such as Factor five disorder if they haven't already done so.
dr's wife racing
dr's wife racing

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Post  dfree383 November 5th 2015, 5:33 pm


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Post  dfree383 November 5th 2015, 5:33 pm

Stay healthy bro.

I just has a sacre with some genetic crap...... Dodged that bullet.

Last edited by dfree383 on November 5th 2015, 11:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post  cool40 November 5th 2015, 10:27 pm

affraid I been having all kinds of trouble with high blood psi. Tried 7-8 different pills and none get it down where it needs to be. It could be stress related? Laughing we are all getting old!

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Post  Moodyblues November 5th 2015, 10:56 pm

cool40 wrote:affraid I been having all kinds of trouble with high blood psi. Tried 7-8 different pills and none get it down where it needs to be. It could be stress related? Laughing we are all getting old!

Truth lol!

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Health scare Empty Re: Health scare

Post  dr's wife racing November 6th 2015, 8:39 pm

Yes w's are. I went ahead and put mine up a little early.Alot of you know I've had major issues with my neck. Surgeries plats screws ect. Ive got by with it for many years. I did something to it before our last outing to Holley springs while I was loading the truck. I went ahead and run the car anyway. I've been in severe pain since. I think I may have another disk in my neck. I've been on heavy dose steroids for a couple weeks with out a lot Improvement. I'm waiting on blue cross to approve a MRI They say I have to go thru 30 days of this before it will prior authorize the test. It is like a abscessed tooth. Once you have had one there is no confusing it if it happens again. I feel like I'm just waiting to see what can be done about it. Keep me in your prayers.
dr's wife racing
dr's wife racing

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Post  cool40 November 6th 2015, 10:26 pm

dr's wife racing wrote:Yes w's are.  I went ahead and put mine up a little early.Alot of you know I've had major issues with my neck.  Surgeries plats screws ect.  Ive got by with it for many years. I did something to it before our last outing to Holley springs while I was loading the truck. I went ahead and run the car anyway. I've been in severe pain since. I think I may have another disk in my neck.  I've been on heavy dose steroids for a couple weeks with out a lot Improvement. I'm waiting on blue cross to approve a MRI   They say I have to go thru 30 days of this before it will prior authorize the test.  It is like a abscessed tooth. Once you have had one there is no confusing it if it happens again.  I feel like I'm just waiting to see what can be done about it.  Keep me in your prayers.
take care of yourself Ward! I'd be willing to drive your car if you really need somebody to?? Razz

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Post  Mike R November 6th 2015, 11:10 pm

I feel your pain Ward, literally. I've got a disc pinching the nerve at C7-T1, really messing with my left shoulder,arm and hand. It got to the point that the pain became unbearable and I had the injection. It's better but not 100%, I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Mike R

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Post  bbf-falcon November 7th 2015, 8:28 am

Yea this age thing really sucks for sure. I've got 2 bulging discs in my lower spine. Don't want a operation if possible.I have appt. w/pain management specialist on the 19th. Hopefully a shot will relieve some inflammation around the discs. lets take care of ourselves out there guys,we only get one shot at this deal.


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Post  dr's wife racing November 7th 2015, 9:09 pm

Cool come on down. I'll put you you in the seat. I could use the input on chassis tuning I was hoping to get it up to huntsville before winter but I don't see it now. In all seriousness this time has scared me. I've had the best day today since it went out. I'm still sure I'll end up with further treatment. Blocks have helped some in the past. I think what scares me about this is it is a progression. all my symptoms have been in my right arm anne shoulder. This is All on my left.
dr's wife racing
dr's wife racing

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Post  dr's wife racing November 7th 2015, 9:11 pm

Good luck and take care to every one who has issues with stuff. I just try not to totally let it rule my life. V
dr's wife racing
dr's wife racing

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Post  cool40 November 7th 2015, 11:07 pm

dr's wife racing wrote:Cool come on down.  I'll put you you in the seat.  I could use the input on chassis tuning  I was hoping to get it up to huntsville before winter but I don't see it now.  In all seriousness this time has scared me. I've had the best day today since it went out. I'm still sure I'll end up with further treatment. Blocks have helped some in the past. I think what scares me about this is it is a progression. all my symptoms have been in my right arm anne shoulder. This is All on my left.  
rest up this winter and we'll hit it hard next spring! I'll help any way I can.

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Post  72mav November 11th 2015, 7:54 pm

Sorry to hear that Mike.
I hope you get well soon.
Ward, do you wear a Hans device? You might consider that.

For myself, ive been afflicted with some kind of arthritis. Never had this problem in my life. I can barely move at all at times. Like they said, were all getting old. Gonna have to put my Son in the seat and creep up on it.
Take care guys.
Al out.

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Post  dr's wife racing November 11th 2015, 10:23 pm

I've been looking at a han's. I had flat X rays today. The looked pretty rough. Narrowing and impingements from t 7 thru c4. Blue cross gave early approval for a MRI. It is set for tomorrow at 7 30 Pray it will be be good. Will know more then.
dr's wife racing
dr's wife racing

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Post  72mav November 16th 2015, 7:05 pm

Sure sounds serious Ward.
Btw, dont mention your racing. Your medical finds out, they may to get it auto related. Then you will have a FREAKING nightmare on your hands on who is gonna pay for what. Remember when you come anywhere for treatment, first thing they ask if it was car related, then they will rip your insurance off.
Good Luck and take care.
Al out.

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Post  72mav November 16th 2015, 7:17 pm

Sure sounds serious Ward.
Btw, dont mention your racing. Your medical finds out, they may to get it auto related. Then you will have a FREAKING nightmare on your hands on who is gonna pay for what. Remember when you come anywhere for treatment, first thing they ask if it was car related, then they will rip your insurance off.
Good Luck and take care.
Al out.

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Post  dr's wife racing November 16th 2015, 8:53 pm

It's truly not racing related. I hurt my neck playing toy bowl foot ball. I've had neck issues since I can remember. I got the results back on my MRI. I have broad base disc bulges from t1 to c4. C 5 / 6 is surgically fused three is foramal stenosis at a couple different levels. . Lots of degenerative and authentic changes.
I'm still having quite a bit of pain. It is some better in the day but sleep is hard to come by. Looks like I've got some decisions make about what to do. I had one consult today about doing epidurals. Havnt talked to surgeon yet. So far no one has been excited about me continuing to drive a race car.

dr's wife racing
dr's wife racing

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