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Did ya'll read about the sinkhole in Meridian MS

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Did ya'll read about the sinkhole in Meridian MS Empty Did ya'll read about the sinkhole in Meridian MS

Post  jones November 8th 2015, 11:39 pm

This town has a maze of old brick storm water passages that have just been abandoned. This is the second "sink hole" to open from water washing all the dirt out from around the old brick. This one swallowed 15 parked cars in front of a brand new Ihop.

Just south of here is my old family land and we have real sink holes.You learned real quick to never drive faster than you can see the ground.

Anyway, it's nice to have some different news on the news instead of gangs killing themselves.


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Did ya'll read about the sinkhole in Meridian MS Empty Re: Did ya'll read about the sinkhole in Meridian MS

Post  D. Sea November 9th 2015, 9:10 am

We have quite a few sink holes at out place. Find a new one on occasion and have to fill it in so my friend can cut hay. Down by my shop the creek just vanishes underground and you can hear water falling. Must be some caves...
D. Sea
D. Sea

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Did ya'll read about the sinkhole in Meridian MS Empty Re: Did ya'll read about the sinkhole in Meridian MS

Post  dfree383 November 9th 2015, 9:33 am

Just did a cave tour a few weeks back plenty of caves out this way too.

Just saw it in the news..... Damn nice hole you guys got..... That's going to be a bitch to fix.

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Did ya'll read about the sinkhole in Meridian MS Empty Re: Did ya'll read about the sinkhole in Meridian MS

Post  jones November 9th 2015, 11:43 am

The wife and I took the all day Cave tour just north of Bowling Green. I think caves a neat all though I'd sure hate to be buried alive in one!

I saw a group of people going head first into a hole just large enough to squeeze their hips through.


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Did ya'll read about the sinkhole in Meridian MS Empty Re: Did ya'll read about the sinkhole in Meridian MS

Post  bruno November 9th 2015, 2:08 pm

poor engineering of drainage, not a sink hole ....

coming soon x275 build .........
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Did ya'll read about the sinkhole in Meridian MS Empty Re: Did ya'll read about the sinkhole in Meridian MS

Post  jones November 9th 2015, 2:42 pm

bruno wrote:poor engineering of drainage, not a sink hole ....

As soon as I saw it I knew it was an old storm line. the question now is, how secure is the line bellow the interstate? Looks like there is only 2-3' of dirt above it.

I was wrong it's not a old brick but a giant rusty pipe!


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Location : Philadelphia, MS.

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Did ya'll read about the sinkhole in Meridian MS Empty Re: Did ya'll read about the sinkhole in Meridian MS

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