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Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses

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Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses  Empty Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses

Post  supervel45 November 19th 2015, 9:58 pm Do you think Free Speech will last much longer if this is allowed to continue?


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Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses  Empty Re: Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses

Post  69F100 November 21st 2015, 9:30 am

supervel45 wrote:                                                                        Do you think Free Speech will last much longer if this is allowed to continue?

We will keep seeing this kind of crap grow more and more until we put God back in our schools and in the government.  It is our fault as we as God fearing Christians have sit back and let them take him out of everything this country was founded on.I think it's time for us to  fight an put God back in our schools and government or it will keep going down the drain and more of this crap will continue to grow..I am sorry if I hurt anybody's feelings but we as Christians have got to take a stand against this kind of stuff and put God back first. Then we will see this country start growing in the right direction again..

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Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses  Empty Re: Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses

Post  dfree383 November 21st 2015, 10:34 am

69F100 wrote:
supervel45 wrote:                                                                        Do you think Free Speech will last much longer if this is allowed to continue?

We will keep seeing this kind of crap grow more and more until we put God back in our schools and in the government.  It is our fault as we as God fearing Christians have sit back and let them take him out of everything this country was founded on.I think it's time for us to  fight an put God back in our schools and government or it will keep going down the drain and more of this crap will continue to grow..I am sorry if I hurt anybody's feelings but we as Christians have got to take a stand against this kind of stuff and put God back first. Then we will see this country start growing in the right direction again..

We really need to get away from these kind of subjects on here.

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Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses  Empty Re: Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses

Post  supervel45 November 21st 2015, 11:09 am

Yea I'm sure if we don't talk about it, it will go away until we can't talk about it at all. See how that works.


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Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses  Empty Re: Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses

Post  torino501 November 21st 2015, 4:09 pm

^^^^ x100


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Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses  Empty Re: Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses

Post  rmcomprandy November 21st 2015, 8:53 pm

The term "Political Correctness" was coined long ago by Harry Truman in a Western Union Telegram to General MacArthur the day before the signing of the Japanese surrender for World War II, trying to explain those impossible do gooders "who think you can pick up a piece of $HIT by the clean end".

Look it up ... it happened

Although not exactly how it would be defined today ... the meaning was clear way back then.
"Political Correctness" will be the eventual downfall of these United States of America as it has been known.


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Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses  Empty Re: Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses

Post  D. Sea November 23rd 2015, 9:16 am

rmcomprandy wrote:The term "Political Correctness" was coined long ago by Harry Truman in a Western Union Telegram to General MacArthur the day before the signing of the Japanese surrender for World War II, trying to explain those impossible do gooders "who think you can pick up a piece of $HIT by the clean end".

Look it up ... it happened

Although not exactly how it would be defined today ... the meaning was clear way back then.
"Political Correctness" will be the eventual downfall of these United States of America as it has been known.

^ This

I don't do political correctness. If someones feelings get hurt, oh well. Grow thicker skin...

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Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses  Empty Re: Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses

Post  Moodyblues November 23rd 2015, 10:44 am

69F100 wrote:
supervel45 wrote:                                                                        Do you think Free Speech will last much longer if this is allowed to continue?

We will keep seeing this kind of crap grow more and more until we put God back in our schools and in the government.  It is our fault as we as God fearing Christians have sit back and let them take him out of everything this country was founded on.I think it's time for us to  fight an put God back in our schools and government or it will keep going down the drain and more of this crap will continue to grow..I am sorry if I hurt anybody's feelings but we as Christians have got to take a stand against this kind of stuff and put God back first. Then we will see this country start growing in the right direction again..

Agree 110%

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Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses  Empty Re: Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses

Post  rmcomprandy November 23rd 2015, 2:18 pm

Moodyblues wrote:
69F100 wrote:
supervel45 wrote:                                                                        Do you think Free Speech will last much longer if this is allowed to continue?

We will keep seeing this kind of crap grow more and more until we put God back in our schools and in the government.  It is our fault as we as God fearing Christians have sit back and let them take him out of everything this country was founded on.I think it's time for us to  fight an put God back in our schools and government or it will keep going down the drain and more of this crap will continue to grow..I am sorry if I hurt anybody's feelings but we as Christians have got to take a stand against this kind of stuff and put God back first. Then we will see this country start growing in the right direction again..

Agree 110%

You guys are saying that Jewish and Budhist and Athiest or other religious beliefs don't count either ... how narrow minded can you be...?
You sound like just a bunch of dumb a$$ bigots...

What should be happening is the TOLERANCE of ALL beliefs working together and not doing everything they can to make things happen in their way only.
Simply, Most of those immigrant people came here for the rights of our constitution so, everyone should adapt to the AMERICAN way of doing things; not trying to make Americans bend over backwards to suit them.


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Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses  Empty Re: Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses

Post  supervel45 November 23rd 2015, 3:18 pm

The Quote System here is so Unfair, I feel so discriminated against for being quoted and lumped into the bigot category now for something I did not say. It's time to protest now and file a compliant. Na, I think I will just go ahead and get over it, Oh Well.


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Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses  Empty Re: Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses

Post  supervel45 November 23rd 2015, 3:42 pm

Years ago there used to be a word for that Randy. I believe it was called Assimilate.


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Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses  Empty Re: Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses

Post  rmcomprandy November 24th 2015, 12:40 am

supervel45 wrote: Years ago there used to be a word for that Randy. I believe it was called Assimilate.

Yes ... That's what is missing from most of the liberal younger people within today's society in these United States of America.
One thing is correct here and that is SOMETHING needs to change for the better.
Personally, I do think that these people coming into this country today WOULD do this "assimilation" if given the only choices of conform or go back where you came from.

My father and grandparents were in a refugee camp for almost a year when escaping Europe just before World War I so, what is so wrong with doing this type of thing again...?
They were overjoyed to learn English and eventually become American citizens.


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Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses  Empty Re: Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses

Post  Doug Rahn November 28th 2015, 9:48 am
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Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses  Empty Re: Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses

Post  Moodyblues November 29th 2015, 12:05 am

Doug Rahn wrote:

This ^^^^^^^^^^^^

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Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses  Empty Re: Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses

Post  supervel45 December 9th 2015, 10:14 pm They really got hammered in the comment section, at least.


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Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses  Empty Re: Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses

Post  supervel45 April 26th 2023, 2:40 am

Now they are after the Ladies. On two front's none the less.

I would say this Bud's for you but, screw that.

PS: That old Youtube video above was very prescient of where we are at now. So Trust the Science. Laughing


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Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses  Empty Re: Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses

Post  rmcomprandy April 26th 2023, 9:14 am

I said this over 10 years ago ... "Political Correctness" will be the eventual downfall of these United States of America.

People should express exactly how they feel and if someone else doesn't like it or gets offended ...
well, they just can't handle the truth and that is THEIR problem.


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Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses  Empty Re: Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses

Post  4speed390 April 26th 2023, 10:32 pm

Moodyblues wrote:
69F100 wrote:
supervel45 wrote:                                                                        Do you think Free Speech will last much longer if this is allowed to continue?

We will keep seeing this kind of crap grow more and more until we put God back in our schools and in the government.  It is our fault as we as God fearing Christians have sit back and let them take him out of everything this country was founded on.I think it's time for us to  fight an put God back in our schools and government or it will keep going down the drain and more of this crap will continue to grow..I am sorry if I hurt anybody's feelings but we as Christians have got to take a stand against this kind of stuff and put God back first. Then we will see this country start growing in the right direction again..

Agree 110%

how about we stop religion's fake, contrived, not real, anachronistic and foolish.  Religions are full of and fairy tales and hypocrisies and what's worse is the people who then take them for the absolute truth distort the messages to such a degree that it really only hurts society.  Religions and banks are responsible for most of the issues in this world.


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Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses  Empty Re: Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses

Post  supervel45 April 27th 2023, 12:59 am

^ I don't agree with either of you guy's. I would Die for Your Right to Say it though.

That's the whole point of the 1st. Amendment and Liberty in action, and what makes America Special and Great.

Micro Aggression is the Anthesis of Liberty and the 1st. Amendment, is the point!

It is a Political Weapon. It is also a Cult Religion of Tryants, all to it's own.


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Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses  Empty Re: Political Correctness Evolving to Micro Aggression on College Campuses

Post  supervel45 April 27th 2023, 9:43 am

And then came the lists.


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