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Differences in C6 transmissions

Old blue Racin Team
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Differences in C6 transmissions Empty Differences in C6 transmissions

Post  89LX August 12th 2009, 11:53 am

I am new to the BBF scene. I have been on the other site for a few months just researching the valuable info that was available thanks to many of you knowledgable guys. I recently purchased a complete dove motor with a c6. The motor and trans came out of a 71 Lincoln. It is a long shaft trans. What are the differences besides tail shaft? Is this good to build or should I find a short shaft? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am wanting to build a 521 and put in my 89 LX coupe.

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Differences in C6 transmissions Empty Re: Differences in C6 transmissions

Post  OldRedFord August 12th 2009, 12:07 pm

Shift and kick down tabs on the side of the case have lots of different styles.

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Differences in C6 transmissions Empty Re: Differences in C6 transmissions

Post  Homespun91 August 12th 2009, 12:16 pm

If you are planning to rebuild the C6 completely anyway, it can be easily converted to a short shaft, or whatever configuration you need (transfer case, specific light truck, etc., etc.) If you don't want to rebuild it, and need the short shaft version, then you are probably better off trading it. I don't know if a short shaft C6 is preferred in a Fox body for driveline angles, but someone should be able to answer that.

Some guys prefer the C6 cases with the strengthening ribs on the top, but they don't easily fit into certain transmission tunnels.

Bottom line is that they are all pretty good starting points.

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Differences in C6 transmissions Empty Re: Differences in C6 transmissions

Post  Old blue Racin Team August 13th 2009, 9:00 am

Welcome abaord man nice project you got there
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Old blue Racin Team

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Differences in C6 transmissions Empty Re: Differences in C6 transmissions

Post  Greg_P August 13th 2009, 10:11 pm

The Lincoln C6 will have a bunch of good parts in it, and it is a very good starting point.

The long tailshaft could get you into trouble in a Fox body, though, but luckily swapping out the tailshaft and extension housing for a short unit isn't a big deal if you're gonna have the trans apart anyway.


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Differences in C6 transmissions Empty Re: Differences in C6 transmissions

Post  GTmustang August 16th 2009, 1:29 pm

What models and years were the smooth top (non ribbed) cases used?


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Differences in C6 transmissions Empty Re: Differences in C6 transmissions

Post  83-88T-Bird Guy August 19th 2009, 12:58 pm

I have both a long shaft C6 in our 83 T-Bird 460 and a short shaft C6 trans in the 87 Turbo Coupeo 460.

That long shaft fits. You would only need a shorter driveshaft, but it does fit the T-Bird trans tunnel....barely.
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Differences in C6 transmissions Empty Re: Differences in C6 transmissions

Post  OldRedFord August 25th 2009, 11:24 pm

Greg_P wrote:The Lincoln C6 will have a bunch of good parts in it, and it is a very good starting point.

The long tailshaft could get you into trouble in a Fox body, though, but luckily swapping out the tailshaft and extension housing for a short unit isn't a big deal if you're gonna have the trans apart anyway.


What good parts are in the Lincoln C6? I have one to put in my F100, just need to find a short tail shaft. (have short shaft housing tho)

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Differences in C6 transmissions Empty Re: Differences in C6 transmissions

Post  supervel45 September 22nd 2023, 9:54 am

Lincoln Land: 1966-1969 C6 Auto Transmission Principiles And Diagnosis

Vintage Ford Lincoln Electric Paper Shop Manuals.

I Stuck It In Here Before I Lose It. It's Pretty Cool Americana Ford/Lincoln History. Cool

To The OP Yes They Are Good.

Police/Taxi 1970/71 and Some 1973 and Up F250 and 350 with Camper Special ect. HD Options Excellent Also.

Check For Steel Tailshft Housings and R or H Servo Covers Also.

^Servo Housings Pistons Year/Models Part #'s and Date Codes ect. With Pictures. Cool Cool Cool


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Differences in C6 transmissions Empty Old Red ford maybe I can help you

Post  manofmerc September 23rd 2023, 5:03 am

I have a short shaft that might be what you need I am located in Griffin Ga. I have several other c-6 parts as well Contact me at 678 603 8400 Doug


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Differences in C6 transmissions Empty Re: Differences in C6 transmissions

Post  supervel45 September 23rd 2023, 10:15 pm

^ Sorry About that Doug. I should have mentioned this was an older thread.

I bumped it because I did not want to start a new one and it looked like a good place for the Informative C6 Links.

The Up Side is I Guess if Someone Else Needs the parts they will know where to get them. Cool


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Differences in C6 transmissions Empty Ok

Post  manofmerc September 24th 2023, 3:20 am

Sadly it seems not many are looking for c-6 parts anymore .I go to my local dragstrip monthly .Powerglides it seems to me are always tearing up. Cracked cases broken gears it goes on and on My heavy ancient c-6 keeps on ticking .I pulled the pan last week very little clutch dust very little metallic particles .Franks tranbrake works fine .Since I typed this I will probably wipe my c-6 out because I bragged on it but probably not !I do have some good c-6 parts afro so if someone needs something send me a pm.Doug


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Differences in C6 transmissions Empty Re: Differences in C6 transmissions

Post  supervel45 September 24th 2023, 4:52 am

^No You Probably Won't Doug.

I Really Think Frank's Transbrake Valve Bodies is What Keeps These C6's Going.

Had and OldSchool Ford Racer at The Track Tell me as Much around two Decades ago. He said it has alot to do with the Reverse Manual Hydraullic Flow in His Opinion.

If it breaks it's cheap for us to fix, other guy's usually not so much. Cool


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Differences in C6 transmissions Empty Planetry gears

Post  manofmerc September 25th 2023, 4:40 am

It seems the planetery gears dont last on the powerglide .Some of my friends have broken these then they go to expensive aftermarket gears .A couple of years ago the powerglides were cracking cases .They cracked right where the tailshaft housing bolt on in one season four cracked .My c-6 is heavy and most likely a c-4 or powerglide would pick my times up but I have to much $$ in it .Only once has it let me down .After installing Franks trans brake my first pass busted the forward clutch drum.I could have installed a wave plate but didnt .So I bought one of those expensive steel drums .So far so good no problems yet. Powerglides are no doubt the better drag racing transmisson but to me way to expensive for a ford guy .And somehow I dont think a backyard builder like myself could get a c-4 to last like a c-6 .But whenever I pick one up I wish it was in my comet !Doug ! stuck with a c-6 ! afro


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Differences in C6 transmissions Empty Re: Differences in C6 transmissions

Post  supervel45 October 4th 2023, 8:48 am

manofmerc wrote:It seems the planetery gears dont last on the powerglide .Some of my friends have broken these then they go to expensive aftermarket gears .A couple of years ago the powerglides were cracking cases .They cracked right where the tailshaft housing bolt on in one season four cracked .My c-6 is heavy and most likely a c-4 or powerglide would pick my times up but I have to much $$ in it .Only once has it let me down .After installing Franks trans brake my first pass busted the forward clutch drum.I could have installed a wave plate but didnt .So I bought one of those expensive steel drums .So far so good no problems yet. Powerglides are no doubt the better drag racing transmisson but to me way to expensive for a ford guy .And somehow I dont think a backyard builder like myself could get a c-4 to last like a c-6 .But whenever I pick one up I wish it was in my comet !Doug ! stuck with a c-6 ! afro

Doug I Think You are Mistaken.

I Will Bet a 100 Bucks, You Are!

If I got you a C5, Yes a C5 case and I gave you enough Money to Buy The Fancy Billet and Hardened Parts as Well as a Reverse Manual Transbrake Valve Body, That You Could Build a C4 to Hold Up "Almost as Good as Your C6 at The Power Level and Weight You are At in Your Backyard on a Tail Gate with a Piece of Plywood in the Bed and a Milk Crate with a Hole Cut Through the Center. Cool

Will it Be as Tough as a C6 for Years of Racing on End. Meh, You will probably need Clutch's and Bands every so Often.

Will you gain much E/T, Meh Sure a Tad, Nothing Earth Shaking Though.

Get the Thick Case/Pump to Bell Housing Gasket if You Play with One, In my Opinion.

You Should Try it Just for the Hell Of It. Sell it to me if you don't like it and call it Even. Wink


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Differences in C6 transmissions Empty Probably not

Post  manofmerc October 5th 2023, 3:16 am

At this stage of the game not ready to try a c-4 .I have one a late sixties version .I just cant do it .A friend of mine has a quick 408 thunderbird 6.50s .He always has a burnt forward clutch from his c-4 to show us .That is the price you pay to go quicker .I just dont have time to build my transmisson in the summer .So for now I will keep my old clunker c-6 .Doug afro


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Differences in C6 transmissions Empty Re: Differences in C6 transmissions

Post  supervel45 October 5th 2023, 11:05 am

manofmerc wrote:At this stage of the game not ready to try a c-4 .I have one a late sixties version .I just cant do it .A friend of mine has a quick 408 thunderbird 6.50s .He always has a burnt forward clutch from his c-4 to show us .That is the price you pay to go quicker .I just dont have time to build my transmisson in the summer .So for now I will keep my old clunker c-6 .Doug afro

I did not say you had to run it. I meant you could build one if you wanted to, that would be pretty close but, not quite as good as a C6. Wink

Once Upon A Time I went from a TH400 to a 350 for that ever elusive promised .2 tents of a second. I did not pick up Jack, Nada! Went Back 400 and Never Looked Back.

On a Very Light Car or Extremely Light Truck That's All Out the Little transmissions make more sense to me. For most of us not so much in my opinion.

As a side note I have burned up a few C6 Forward Clutch's Myself. Quite a few. My 5 Clutch Drum seems to do OK. Cool


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Differences in C6 transmissions Empty longshaft lincoln c6, how much fluid for empty rebuild

Post  RANCHEROMAC July 24th 2024, 12:22 pm

torque convertor has fluid when installed, how many qts do i need ?


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Differences in C6 transmissions Empty w/ dual mounts you need to modify cross member

Post  RANCHEROMAC July 24th 2024, 12:28 pm

and change shift shaft, change to a shorter lever


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