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Delete post. Figured it out

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Delete post. Figured it out Empty Delete post. Figured it out

Post  7.5L1985GT December 30th 2015, 7:53 am

I'm doing some floorboard work on a '68 Torino with a bench seat. The owner wants to put unoriginal buckets in the car. I want to make sure I'm using factory holes in case he ever wants to put those in. I found a set of the 4 factory inner reinforcements on Ebay. It looks like the hole drilling has been dimpled for me in the floor pan and the rear u-shaped pieces are easy to figure but these angled cup things for the front have me stumped. Can anyone get me a pic of how they go? I was trying to post a pic of it but I can't seem to figure that out either. Thanks in advance, Lee

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Join date : 2012-12-30
Age : 56
Location : Beaver Falls, PA

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