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Pre-register Empty Pre-register

Post  79ford pickup December 30th 2015, 7:34 pm

Hey everyone if u wanna pre-register for the ford bash u can start anytime Send cash or check or money order If u do send check or money order please make it out to US60 raceway Sorry no refunds. If there's a rain out we will schedule the race another time but they always make something work. For everyone that pre registers for the race ur name will be in a pot and I'll draw out a name and give them there entry fee back Send to 2124 meadowhill lane Utica KY 42376. Atten: George

79ford pickup

Posts : 294
Join date : 2013-02-06

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Pre-register Empty Re: Pre-register

Post  79ford pickup January 8th 2016, 12:11 am

Everyone that pre registers for the race will also be in for a chance for a new nitrous system. It's a really good deal. And the new flier just came out and the Andeades from street outlaws will be there. To grudge match there mustangs against anyone

79ford pickup

Posts : 294
Join date : 2013-02-06

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