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On the hunt for a totaled Toyota Tacoma 4x4

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On the hunt for a totaled Toyota Tacoma 4x4 Empty On the hunt for a totaled Toyota Tacoma 4x4

Post  jones February 17th 2016, 6:08 pm

Does anyone know of a salvage yard that has 95-up 4x4 Toyota Tacoma's? My nephew is on active duty orders right now and when he gets home he wants me to help him convert his 2wd Tacoma into a 4x4 with a solid axle. I told him if he could find a totaled 4-runner or Tacoma 4x4 we would be heading in a great direction. He hardly has time to get on the internet, (magazines is all he has time for) he wants to start ordering parts and have them at my house ready for him when he gets back. I tried to talk him into purchasing another truck but he says he has a lot of memories in this truck, the engine was just rebuilt and repainted.

We mainly need a 2.7L, 4x4 transmission, transfer case, cross member, driveshafts, any type of wiring the 4x4 needs and shit linkage. He all ready has the SAS picked out. He just wants to get the main drivetrain before he orders the SAS from Trail-Gear.

It's no problem for us to drive 15hrs away to pick-up the parts truck if we can find one. I have never dealt with Toyotas so I don't know of any Toyota specific salvage yards. I'm sure they are out there.


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Join date : 2008-12-02
Location : Philadelphia, MS.

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On the hunt for a totaled Toyota Tacoma 4x4 Empty Re: On the hunt for a totaled Toyota Tacoma 4x4

Post  cool40 February 17th 2016, 9:54 pm

Lindsey brothers in Booneville 662-728-6521 if they don't have it they can get it.

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Age : 53
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On the hunt for a totaled Toyota Tacoma 4x4 Empty Re: On the hunt for a totaled Toyota Tacoma 4x4

Post  jones February 18th 2016, 10:30 am

Thank you, I told him we might have to drive halfway across the country but it would be worth it for a complete parts truck. After we get this done it will be time to give it some more pep in its step!!


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Join date : 2008-12-02
Location : Philadelphia, MS.

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On the hunt for a totaled Toyota Tacoma 4x4 Empty Re: On the hunt for a totaled Toyota Tacoma 4x4

Post  jones February 18th 2016, 4:38 pm

Found exactly what he needs but its one of those auction houses.


Posts : 2230
Join date : 2008-12-02
Location : Philadelphia, MS.

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On the hunt for a totaled Toyota Tacoma 4x4 Empty Re: On the hunt for a totaled Toyota Tacoma 4x4

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