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IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.

dr's wife racing
Wes Littrell
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IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.  Empty IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.

Post  Wes Littrell March 10th 2016, 7:48 am

Larry Turner has offered to do IHRA chassis certs at the race in June. If you're interested just post here. Here's the message I got from him with the details.

Here is the break down: Professional Tags: $100.00 check written out to IHRA. $60.00 my fee, cash only; cash receipt from Turner Automotive.

Sportsmen Tags: $75.00 check written out to IHRA. $60.00 my fee, cash only; cash receipt from Turner Automotive.
Wes Littrell
Wes Littrell

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IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.  Empty IHRA Chassis Inspector

Post  85montess March 10th 2016, 10:14 am

I am an IHRA chassis inspector for the Kentucky area, since September of last year. I took over Hank Blankenship's area.
Bill Mitchell

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IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.  Empty Re: IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.

Post  dr's wife racing March 10th 2016, 10:20 am

I am interested.
dr's wife racing
dr's wife racing

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IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.  Empty Re: IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.

Post  85montess March 10th 2016, 12:23 pm

I can do this race and the more cars that you can get to commit to the inspection then the fees would be less. If we were to get 10 cars then the extra would be 30-35 per car.

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IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.  Empty Re: IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.

Post  jbozzelle March 10th 2016, 12:54 pm

If I end up bringing my car I would be interested.


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IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.  Empty Chassis Certification

Post  Bsherry March 10th 2016, 1:49 pm

Hey Bill,

Our car has a current NHRA certification. Any benefit to having IHRA as well?


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IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.  Empty Re: IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.

Post  85montess March 10th 2016, 2:12 pm

If you were going to be running an IHRA Pro-Am race, I think that they require an IHRA tag. If you are just going to be running at the smaller races it is up to the track, but I think most will honor a NHRA tag. NHRA as a rule won't honor an IHRA tag though.

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IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.  Empty IHRA chassis cert.

Post  Lt1 March 11th 2016, 12:02 am

No car minimum, one or none! I'll be there either racing or helping a friend.

Regards me...

Lt1/ Larry Turner.

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IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.  Empty Re: IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.

Post  bbf-falcon March 13th 2016, 4:28 pm

85montess wrote:Wes,
I am an IHRA chassis inspector for the Kentucky area, since September of last year. I took over Hank Blankenship's area.
Bill Mitchell
Bill,will nhra honor ihra tag?


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IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.  Empty Re: IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.

Post  res0rli9 March 13th 2016, 5:00 pm

bbf-falcon wrote:
85montess wrote:Wes,
I am an IHRA chassis inspector for the Kentucky area, since September of last year. I took over Hank Blankenship's area.
Bill Mitchell
Bill,will nhra honor ihra tag?

If you were going to be running an IHRA Pro-Am race, I think that they require an IHRA tag. If you are just going to be running at the smaller races it is up to the track, but I think most will honor a NHRA tag. NHRA as a rule won't honor an IHRA tag though.


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IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.  Empty Re: IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.

Post  bbf-falcon March 13th 2016, 7:44 pm

85montess wrote:Wes,
I am an IHRA chassis inspector for the Kentucky area, since September of last year. I took over Hank Blankenship's area.
Bill Mitchell
Bill,will nhra honor ihra tag?


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IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.  Empty Re: IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.

Post  85montess March 14th 2016, 9:43 am

I can't answer for any or all NHRA, but I have inspected several cars that run at both NHRA and IHRA events and they have both NHRA and IHRA certs on them. If you were going to a Sat night bracket race they might honor the IHRA cert, but a division race or a national event definitely not.

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IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.  Empty Re: IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.

Post  bbf-falcon March 14th 2016, 5:28 pm

Was just wondering because i need recertified and Will be at Norwalk in July for Ford event. Thx Bill good seeing you on here again.


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IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.  Empty Re: IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.

Post  72mav April 1st 2016, 2:04 pm

IHRA not honoring the NHRA cert is really STUPID. Heck the IHRA honor the NHRA rules damn near. What a joke.....

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IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.  Empty Re: IHRA chassis certs at the Ford race. Anybody interested. Please respond.

Post  Moodyblues April 1st 2016, 5:03 pm

Larry Turner done my certification. Great guy and a racer at the Ford Race.


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