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steel 429 truck crankshaft, bathtub oil pan/pickup tube, 6.800 scat BBC h-beam rod wanted

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 steel 429 truck crankshaft, bathtub oil pan/pickup tube, 6.800 scat BBC h-beam rod wanted  Empty steel 429 truck crankshaft, bathtub oil pan/pickup tube, 6.800 scat BBC h-beam rod wanted

Post  bluef100fe September 8th 2016, 12:14 pm

Prefer standard journals but will consider undersizes also... Needed for offset grinding for 3.880 stroke BBC rod journals for a pulling application. Also looking for a 6.800 scat BBC H-beam Rod with bolt upgrade if possible. Anybody got anything out there or got any leads on this stuff let me know please. Thanks!

Posts : 379
Join date : 2009-09-09
Age : 40
Location : Pulaski, Wisconsin

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 steel 429 truck crankshaft, bathtub oil pan/pickup tube, 6.800 scat BBC h-beam rod wanted  Empty 429 Forged Steel crankshaft

Post  Pro-Formance Specialties September 8th 2016, 2:34 pm

I have two of them.
call me @ 585-288-1499 shop
or my cell:585-739-1889


Pro-Formance Specialties

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Join date : 2016-08-08
Age : 64
Location : Joshua, Texas

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 steel 429 truck crankshaft, bathtub oil pan/pickup tube, 6.800 scat BBC h-beam rod wanted  Empty Re: steel 429 truck crankshaft, bathtub oil pan/pickup tube, 6.800 scat BBC h-beam rod wanted

Post  Paul Kane September 8th 2016, 5:57 pm

bluef100fe wrote:....steel 429 truck crankshaft...Prefer standard journals but will consider undersizes also... ..., bathtub oil pan/pickup tube...Thanks!
I've got a std-std factory induction hardened commercial steel truck crank over here, and an F700 pan and pickup.

Call directly in interested.

Paul Kane
Paul Kane

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Location : San Francisco Bay Area

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 steel 429 truck crankshaft, bathtub oil pan/pickup tube, 6.800 scat BBC h-beam rod wanted  Empty Re: steel 429 truck crankshaft, bathtub oil pan/pickup tube, 6.800 scat BBC h-beam rod wanted

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