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Ford race at US60 June 9-10 2017

83-88T-Bird Guy
Lem Evans
D. Sea
dr's wife racing
Wes Littrell
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Ford race at US60 June 9-10 2017 - Page 3 Empty Re: Ford race at US60 June 9-10 2017

Post  Tore March 7th 2017, 2:07 pm

Do you have a list of motels in that area?


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Ford race at US60 June 9-10 2017 - Page 3 Empty Re: Ford race at US60 June 9-10 2017

Post  Wes Littrell March 9th 2017, 12:24 am

Tore wrote:Do you have a list of motels in that area?

The breckenridge inn is right across from the track and the quality inn is at Lewisport which is about a half hour away, but is far nicer. There're are some across the border from Lewisport in Tell City, Indiana that are a similar distance.

Ford race at US60 June 9-10 2017 - Page 3 Img_1510
Ford race at US60 June 9-10 2017 - Page 3 Img_1511
Wes Littrell
Wes Littrell

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Ford race at US60 June 9-10 2017 - Page 3 Empty Re: Ford race at US60 June 9-10 2017

Post  72mav May 30th 2017, 8:12 pm

Wasnt the dinner on Friday? Havent been there since 2010....

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Ford race at US60 June 9-10 2017 - Page 3 Empty Re: Ford race at US60 June 9-10 2017

Post  D. Sea June 2nd 2017, 8:33 am

Plan to roll in Early Firday morning unless I can talk the family into heading out Thursday evening.

D. Sea
D. Sea

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Ford race at US60 June 9-10 2017 - Page 3 Empty Re: Ford race at US60 June 9-10 2017

Post  rmcomprandy June 2nd 2017, 7:36 pm

72mav wrote:Wes,
Wasnt the dinner on Friday? Havent been there since 2010....

From what I remember, the dinner, a Pig Roast paid for by Wes, was Saturday afternoon last year and there were several shared bar-b-ques going on Saturday evening, before the scheduled track program, the year before.


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Ford race at US60 June 9-10 2017 - Page 3 Empty Re: Ford race at US60 June 9-10 2017

Post  racerk_2000 June 7th 2017, 10:17 am

It has been several years since I have been to one of these, my National Guard drill weekends seem to get in the way. Trying to roll in on Friday morning and help Blake.
Just going through my list of stuff to bring.
Chair (Going to want to sit down)
Cooler with beverages (Know I'm going to get thirsty)
Food and Grill (Probably going to get hungry)
Check, check, and check.
I don't want to be, "THAT GUY" that doesn't bring anything and has to be the VULTURE all weekend.
Look forward to seeing some old friends.


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Ford race at US60 June 9-10 2017 - Page 3 Empty Re: Ford race at US60 June 9-10 2017

Post  D. Sea June 8th 2017, 8:10 am

racerk_2000 wrote:It has been several years since I have been to one of these, my National Guard drill weekends seem to get in the way.  Trying to roll in on Friday morning and help Blake.  
Just going through my list of stuff to bring.  
Chair (Going to want to sit down)
Cooler with beverages (Know I'm going to get thirsty)
Food and Grill (Probably going to get hungry)
Check, check, and check.
I don't want to be, "THAT GUY" that doesn't bring anything and has to be the VULTURE all weekend.
Look forward to seeing some old friends.

It's been a while, look forward to seeing you again.
D. Sea
D. Sea

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Ford race at US60 June 9-10 2017 - Page 3 Empty Live feed ?

Post  RapidRuss June 9th 2017, 2:30 pm

Anyone going to do a live feed from the track for us that are stuck at home ?

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Ford race at US60 June 9-10 2017 - Page 3 Empty Re: Ford race at US60 June 9-10 2017

Post  Maxx Levell June 9th 2017, 3:41 pm

I'm not on FB...but surely someone there can do the FB Live thing for at least parts of it. No idea how all of that works...but I know my daughter does it for some of my grandsons baseball games that her husband can't attend lol.
Maxx Levell
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Ford race at US60 June 9-10 2017 - Page 3 Empty Live feed ?

Post  RapidRuss June 9th 2017, 3:49 pm

Yeah there was a guy that use to do the photography for the meets..and he was talking a few years back about doing a feed ? I have been on and off in the VA hospital and lost contact with most over the last 2 years..So I'am wheelchair bound now..But the pics will be cool when there posted..

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